I passed my chemistry. 14/25.
And achievement was so i thought.
Natasha Aveiro and myself cant stop singing Hindustan songs.
Jaduu. Jayaaa hey.Heyheyhey. Featuring Devona too.
My classmates are the best. Junrong was a soccer player when he was in primary school.
Shocking yet true(: Hasif told me.
Si yi pan gave me sheets of papers to fold "CRANES"
It was for some CIP thing. and its like a Hobby, Floding Cranes.
Next Wednesday is my MALAY Olevel Listening comprehension.
Just need to be attentive and alert as cikgu said listening Comprehension "Ada Belit Nya".
We were supposed to write an essay about Racial Harmony, But then. you know me.=.=
Well mia thought Pig was OinkOink.. but no, Pig is Someone(:(Dont wanna mention him for now, My Gf's should know who's Pig)
I said to pig. " Mend my broken heart?"
Pig replied " Yeah.Its my task NOW. But still,i dont know how to be a betterperson
for you. Bo confident"
for you. Bo confident"
Pig kept throwing every vulgarities he knew to me. and i'd threw back to him. Double.
Hahaha. Well. seriously, Pig cheers me up like CHEERS ME UP.
Hahaha. Well. seriously, Pig cheers me up like CHEERS ME UP.
He's working right now. Earning money for me.(k.FAKE)
and as for bestfriend,
hmm, i just gotta wait. <33
Afiq still remembers the movie date(:
i totally forgot about it.AHAHA!
alright, i got to go.
calling aslamm.
toodles all.