oh hello earth one more time , went to watch hsm3 today , i swear , TROY BOLTON is soooo sweet like hell . gosh , imagine if his like TROY , woweee .
okay , TODAY IS the class bbq . i cant hardly wait ! gonna meet my bitches .
its funny , our class bbq is likee soo LAST MINUTE .
okay , gonna meet muz early in the morning . i want the pin to pump my ball . !
i wanna bring bally to class bbq ! loads of pictures to be taken .
hajar told me , bali form to be sent by today .
HAHA! i dont give a damn. mum said ,LAST MINUTE ; cannot go .
btw , IM SADDDD cause arsenal draw with tottenham .
WAAAAA. sad siaaa , i swear i cried when the ref whistle full time .
cb , likeee very malu siaa , arsenal draw to a "not so good" team .
wheres the gunners ?
oh yar ,
iskandar is my little adek . aww , his like 14 years old ! cute right ?
and pagyn , his 17 ! he never fails to cheer me up like alot !
iskandar and me are crazy people . yar , ADEK AND KAKAK laaa kan ,
his gonna read this post for sure , so gonna write good things about him or else he'll be like ,
IS , youre such a good adek , hot , cute , handsome ....
hahas !
i just gross myself out .
btw , is , thanks for saying im sweet . i know ! hahahs .
yeah , edit my who i wanna meet .
thats my friendster ! aku cm BODOOO tulis ginie .
hope muz is fine .
and i swear i love FABREGAS !
hahas .
TROY BOLTON ISSSS SOOO SWEEEEET . i likee cry siaa watch .
hahahs .
ilovemy adek like alot !
niteeeeey niteeey !