;iwan loves this picture

Today , had fun .
Last day of school siaaa .
So , LPS played soccer with me andd ,
well he won 3-0 !
well , the field was super slippery . i dont wanna fall . Nah , not excuses horh !
Soo , Last day of school .nisa bought soccer ball to school .
thanks nisa (:
Played soccer in the field .
Crystal,Amira,Natasha,Pengseng,Sumwee,Nisa .
played soccer .
except for natasha , she was busy screammmiiing ;as usual .
seriously , i knew alot of things today and yesterday
haizxzxz.Pictures talk , dont they ?after school , Lek , then go chong pang .
EAT ! Honey nasi ayam . TO me its niceee .
we poon duit for ahmad .
oh yaa , mira and me went macs for bkfast .hahas .
So , Next week , nisaaa busyy . !
between 8-10am!
hahas.stupid siaaaal .chemistry classes . I wannaaaa studdyy alr .
olevels next year .
mummy maybe hiring tuition teacher for me .
awwwww , she wants me to study lar gendeng .
Soo , got 15th in class .
PATHETIC right ?
Sad bodoh .
So , i passed art ! eoy siaaa !(:
yeahh , just like 54 , thanks to my err , 4 pcs of artwerk , or not , well , COULD maybe score higher .
there were no a's in my card . Pffft !
Pathetic again !
well , i seriously am happy . !
Mummy just motivate me .
and yeahh , she was likee nagging non stop , TILL now .
my ears , POOOHFT !!
Oh yeaAH , played bb with sanwei , bingcheng and zhi yi . hahas !
okayy ? gott to blast . off to CALLLING him .
Gdnyte .
i lovehim .
Cb , not nicee right my blogskin ? like shit right ? i know .