hello people . well , today went off to woodlandss .
with aunts and mum and coussyy .
azlan bitch . i love him .
well , bought shoes alr
well , wedges , likee forever .
hahas .
bought at metro .
i frget how much was it ..
hmmsss .
well , ate at banquet .
saw zulfiqar and i was like
ehem ehem .
hahas .
salam salam , abey aku jalan .
thenn walk walk ...
order food .
whatever .
thenn , we headed down to info counter .
anddd guess what ?
a guy actually smiled .
aww .
well , azlan and me getting excited ,
we search for the guy .
hahas .
GATAL ehhs
well , that what happpens when nisaa meets azlan .
hahas .
soo , his hair is in black and blonde .
niceeee .
well , im Boredd .
haiz ,
i hope everythings allright with boyf .
i love him alot .
and yeah .
Fought like Fuck Today .
i Cried aLOT .
and , i simply cant tahan .
soo , went home with sayang ,
and we fought .
i cannot tahan alr and i just hug him
i cried and cried .
and cried .
and , yeah
i hope everythings alright
boyf say , theres something wrong with me .
its that true ?
to me tak seyyh !
im okayy
well , got to goo .
oh yeahh , saw royston .
didnt notice him at first .
have a good day ahead .
looking forward to it ,
niselle signing off ,
i love you lim peng seng
aaron ramsey is hot .