oh hello earthlings . well i was browsing to my thumbdrive. and there, spotted this pictures . well , i simply love my fellow 3e10 familiaaa , -> ps , ona , mira , nat , crystal , sum wee , junrong , (:
oh nt frgetting , kim leng , keng mui , wan llin , hyatt , zhum . ty guys . love yaaaaa lots ! pprisc too btw ! hahas ,
in school kenaaaa internal suspension . well needaaaa wear on stupid vest . hahas , swayy dpt number 6 ! hahas , soo walk around school widda stupid vest , hahas , well , orang bagoss maaah !
awfully bored rightnow , he didt reply my msges and yeah , im missing him so much . well , i missss all my friends ! friends i missssss yaaaa guys
today , SOMEONE Mde me angry siaaa , WTH ? twice somemore . dnt blame him !
gotttta understand maaaaa ........... well
today boredom , haiz
i hope he replies
bye , nisa was here
i love lps .