blurred but nice .(below)
camwhores !
monster inc .
sean kingston TWiN !
i have messy class !
she camwhored !
i love wo de psp !
i have nice hair , NOT
mummy took this
candid !
yishun sec beautiful back
the fun part .

sorry if ive have not been updating this past few days . im lazy you know . and i always go home late , thats why . i couldnt use the comp for the past few days . due to viruses attacking ! fret not , its nowhere to be found yaww ! :) so , spammers , do you know whats ip address ? haha .
:)) im like an evil alien , soo ! , lets like talk about things i remebered ,
we lost to queesnway , err , 1-0 . it was like a LAST MINUTE GOAL . haishh . its like , how many seconds to FULL time , thenn .. ! wow , haha
so the girl who scored cried , it was like her FIRST goal . :) so the ball was like , nicee ahh , :) yeah , kind off like that lah , soo tuesday , thursday , hitsy TURON yishun , nark meettt sayaaa lahh , sape lagy ? haha ! soo had fun yaww , meet him , have a little privacy together .
and i swear , i love him . :) oke , soo my skirt was torn on thursday , thanks apit ! haha :) so , wednesday and thurdsay my clique went late too school , ! haha , seems like we dont learn our lesson , wednesday , autie gwen situated me to OFFICE , with hajar and mira , mia WAS at RTA . haha ! on thursday , i was aloocated to RTA , soo , before auntie gwen came , in RTA got mahd azzrul , it was madness . haha , so auntie gwen allowed azz and mahd balik class , tk fair , apit padahal boleh , but , pki kasut hitam ! haha :) soo , apit , me , mia . talk talk . apit and me mengumpat about ppl from this certain school :) haha ! tak sangkee yerr . soo apit told lots of stories , inside got faiqah and zahara , wow , it was like a market when AUNTIE GWEN was not inside . so , we are suppose to write a 1000 words journal , ! i think i wrote more then that , TITLED ,
a repeated story . mia and me were like MAKI-ing the school . cause they nvr bring us too excursions , so , why we pay school fees but no excursions ? bitch , ! haha , so we scolded here and there , but auntie gwen wont read it , i sweared ! :) so apit talk about the wrong subj . haha , TODAY , boyfriend went over to crib :) no one at home . but before that , my sisters were at home , i did lipating baju , angkat baju , mopped the house , sweep the floor . bf was likee , tengok kan , so , he watched this monkey crite , LOOKS exactly like him siaa :) and bf , sorry i came late , you know girls right ? haha ! :) i love my bf , he looks cute playing the psp ! haha :) andd andd , you lookk awfully cute when u eat ! haha , :) ayah , daddy , papa ! haha :) i tagged today , sape ade tagged , add me :) and i got myself a SEAN KINGSTON teacher , haha ! we were like laughing2 at him siol . thanks eh nat ! hahaa :) sushi making was fun on tuesday , alot of ppl liked it alot ! yay ! :) soo , npcc , we were given our post already . :) okay , let me named aLL of them
president : bazli
vice president : nisa
drill instructor : ilias
asst drill instructor : nisa
O.D.I. (outdoor instructor) : zhi yu
asst O.D.I. : hajar
W.A.P (welfare admin publication) : sharukh
logistic : abizer
welfare : SUJITRA
asst welfare : iswariya
PTI ( physical training instructor) : ilias
asst PTI : bazli
sec 2 ic : ILIAS
hajar ,
sec 1 ic : BAZLI
:) soo , my dearestt nco POP .
hmm , just wanna wish then good luck in everything
will miss them
but ill miss this one person more
so , i wanna chat at msn
cute without the e ,
ilove you bf .