Saturday, April 5, 2008

when you look me in the eyes

hot kan ni anak ?


see that guy there ? his ryne hizwan ! my 2nd featured friend , hot tak die ? haha !

sakai park3r says:dom mind i admire u

ini yg di ckpkan die ! haha . da uh

aku tk nk bbl psl jantan only .

so , school was like school .! and nat thanks for your ra pic , at maths notebook .

she draw a konek picture , i think its like a konek ! never saw one before , soo kinnda mcm .. haha . whatever . so , she draw a girl . mcm buron muker die , ! and she stated me . so konek was hitsy ! thanks eh nat , nice drawing . haha , so beverly of class 3e6 ? or 3e5 ? hated 3e10 ! haha , like we cared only ! haha , so she cried cause all of us drew a picture of her . haha , it was cute siaa , then she thinks we're like humiliating her like that . padahal tark seyy .haha , whatever , mr sky phua contributed , so that day , thursdayy , kene duduk outside office , BECAUSE of always coming late to school . haha , autie gwen was fed up and i tell you , byk siaa org ! haha , kiter kene trn kan krosi sendrek , ! haha , then duduk cm budak bdh . write a journal about aliens ! haha . whatever. shah journal was great. sape2 bace , bole ketaweee terbahak2 ,. he wrote something like this .

he went tuh old changi hospital . then at 2pm like that , he went back and saw a pocong outside the door . he zoom his eyes and saw the pocong eating a lolipop. the pocong ask if shah got 50cents. the pocong nk beli lollipop . but shah only got 20cent . then the pocong cry , shah was so scared that his armpit hair stand up ! hahahahahaa , then pontianak scream becasue too noisy , shah quickly give him 60cent , the 10 cent go buy ice batuu !

hahaa , aku kekek bace journal die . hahaha . whatever .

ade tulis psl the fire alarm accident . haiz

i swear uhh , kiter mcm bdk bdh dulu.

smpai kene police case , haha , kan mia? kan hajr ? kan mira ? kan nami ? kan qam ? kan fiq ? kan zal ? kan nasir ? haha !

so it was like dulu. haha . DAHULU ..

so tgk video nasir kat azhar punyer phone . and nasir .

sungguh terok yahh ! hahahahaha .

ryne ? rynesha ? haha !

no oke ! affenisa .

i love my bestie

and hajar and azhar

happy 9months !

last long both of you !

giget2 , sl2 !

apeee nk jadyyyy ?

npcc vice chairman ? sape ?

sujitraaaa !


im still keeping that biscuit !

and yishun menang chij, pmpn2 hot .

aku sukerr , haha ,. mtk no and all . hahaha

alalalal. mcm lesbian

so , hrp luh kiter masokk quater finals ! yes !

i hope .


monday bedok north lawan yishun sec ,

harap2 yishun sec menang luh !

amin . ill pray to god , ill pray ! hahaha .

and i broke a promise again ? yeah !

azzrul suker dini . yep ! goods ,and bagussssss .

haha , oke .

aku gtg .

hahaa .

my hair looks fierce.

liker JEMBUTTT .

and nat , SHE STEP MCM PHM LIKE MINTAK KENER MAIN NGAN AKU , haha ! abeh NAK STEP PEKIK2 , aku main kau ! baru tahu ., kiter tk de , mau step fanatic aw aw ! haha , aku main kau smpai kau mati !hahaha.

ilovee my friends .

hot tak ryne ?

ilove affen .

aku da 3months !

kau ? haha !