hmm , today is likee soo boring . ! i slept in class ! u know , tuesdayy is like the most boring school day for the entire week ! haha . but we three did have fun ; natasha , nisa , amira ! kan ? we were like talking about our secrets and all . shh , its between us three :) ! haha . sooo , we were talking , then one of us , tlaked about sex . oh yuh i rmembered , we did a survey on STD , and aids , ! haha , nat and me had fun doing that , ! haha , ! soo , continueingg my story , we were like talking about on how if we happened to see our parents have sex . hha ! do anyone of you think about that before ? haha , so we talk . NAT and mira , GUILTY kepeer ?
hahaha !
so , yestd, we talked about sleeping in mrt!
haha , i relate them my story !
shhh , girls . SECRET !
errr , CHEM is sooooo boringggggg .
verrrry boring
mira PAY attention ! cheyp !
hahaha ! kau cm phm
i wa ssleeping .
infact nearly 3/4 of the class was dazing off !
haha ,
teachers woke me up alot of times .
but i ignored !
soo , our class ,
wow , we have good attendance .
its like 1/4 never came to school
i think i know the reason why
kynn buat ic.
mcm phm !
sooo , stayed in school
talked about NPCC
yay ! i love my mates !
bazli , hajar , ilias , zhi yu , abizer , sharukh , sujit , iswariya !
we were be like planning for ug camp
aND those who aint involve in the NCO TEAM
please kindlyy , be involved in the camp !
thanks :)
written by the npcc law
kan baz? kan hajar ? kan alif ?
yeahs !
soo ,.
err , bf wanting to update
let him update
ive finished my 2 page
1st ?
haha ! not .
i love my bf alot
i didnt talk to azz today
to bear , im not angry at you
the momment i saw azz ,
i dont feel like smiling
sorry yer .
i love my bf