well , everyone should clap hands cause i make the effort tuh update my blog . and yeah , today , lots of things happened . like fights and all :(
but , luckily , things are all alright , just hope for the best :) , i love my buddies , ! and always , please , buddies first , not anyone else . thanks ,
mira , no matter what happens , i will always be there for you . :) same goes to my other buddies :)
dont worry , ! oke ?
so , dont wanna talk about the fight ,
hajar , jln cam aw aw :)
LOL , u look funny girl
whole class was like soo kecoh !
andd VIETNAM , trip
and , dini thanks for the msg
appreciate it girl
i dont mind about u being with him :)
ill just hope for the best for him
andd im not mad at you or something
so cheers
elmo , err , contacted me again
haiz .
bf is kinnda ..
:) relax , his my past
so , err , sean kingston went to my class again
his hot
real name , RAIHAN ,
nasyid kepe ?
bfd , sorrry about the prank during ur test
i was bored
im a good girl .
dont worry luhs . :)
im into puzzle cubes .
i love it:)
name me the colours .
ill try to do my best :)
im a beginner
so , gonna call my bf soon
soo ,
bf did a new blog
all thanks TO me
credits to me
everything to me !
haha :)
and i didnt force him
so link/ relink him up yuhh
a gayyyy URL . haha
so , errrr ,
what to say ?
kynn tk jady buat ic
mak kau tk amik pe ?
haha !
so in class we were like talking about this certain ppl
from our school luh
what if they attend prom and all .
i cant stop laughing .
i sometime think i laughed like adli .
so , they will have a complete CHILD . NOT . ! haha
cheers my friends .
i gtg .
andd yuyul sent nat messges like msn !
how cute .
and thank fiq for the smile .
:) u made me smile once for this whole term
and please ,
friends are first !
nieshasha loves hitsy like always
his cuminn on wed
cant wait to meet him
:P: !
btw , i wanna marry him
its a HOPE .