happpy aprils fool day ! yeah , in school , was full of FOOLS . and yeah shiela , die tk fool org , NOT . haha . so i came school late .
with hajar , mia , mahd , mira . awwww , ! haha ., so mahd tk mark attendance , went straight to class ! ewah ewah ! so , the girls , are like .. BAIK , we branii , so marked attendance , for god sake , mr phua is blabbering good for nothing ! i dont even understand whats his talking about . ! haha , ! so , we girls . sat in the toilet , we ate . SILICON gels .. haha , pandaiiii . sooo , evryone was mad , AS , mas . ! mrh , soo , as , nice boxers . ! so then we talked , then came shiela , hell . she wasssss noisy ! soo she shout2 , haha , the as tarik seluar die . saw her UNDIES . greeeeeen siaa . sexy per ? haha ! sooo , then shiela wanted to go back class , then skali she was like , TEACHER cominggg , so all thought was like aprils fool , but then btl ,. we all rushed in the cubicle . me , kid , kin , as ? in the cubicle .! yeahs , haha , soooo went back in class , make noise . andd thats all . so nat , i slipped the card , ! sorry ! haha , okeee ,,,, blah blah .! 20 cent game was fun ! haha , i had fun . thanks mira , mia , haajar ! kite mcm sewel . bought ice creams ! so , ...
went back home with azz .
done .
i love my bf . alot . AND i will be attached like , FOREVER .
haha . i hope so . insyallah .
i love my bf !
and gayy song ! haha .
i had a sad 3 months !
dearest bf .
be happy .
ilove you oke sygg ?
no sadneessss