- firstly , friendships .
i dont know why , life is like this . so , i was blog hopping the whole morning , and a blog caught my eyes . its ezza's . :) hey babe , azz wont be seeing me anymore . :) maybe , friends are much more important . betol tark ? treasure ur friends . and i know , how u feel when u lost a friend , or two friends . azzrul wont ever talk to me , azzrul wont go hanging out with me , azzrul wont go to school with me , azzrul wont go back with me , theres no more azzrul in my list of friendships . :) he'll be the old azzrul all of u once knew . adli ? i dont know about him , im not that close to him . oh well , this sickening sec three's wont talk to your bestfriend anymore . cheers . and dont bear grudges on us , its they come to us , not we come to them .
- secondly , family
i dont know why , asl nasib aku malang dpt mak bpk ginie . :( ! tk understanding langsung . dad finding fault . mum too . mum yg halau aku , so for what wanna ask me to go home and all ? no use lah ! so dad says im with affen , but padahal aku kat tmpt lain , bdh ! :( ! i really got no mood to talk about them !
- thirdly , singapore flyer
wow , i went to the spore flyer ystd ! heheh ! so , i was like looking forward to it . AT LAST . it was likeee sooo boring . what made my day was the guy hu asked fr num . ! hahas :) dont wanna dwell on it . so we took bmw car . haha , mcm org kaye . i was like soo noisy . until my aunt was like , tk tahu duduk diam eh ? haha ! mcm ape ! i was like . woooow , thee view was nice . WAS . haha . it was like165 meters above ground . aunt was scared . nenek was cool with it . hahaha ! :) the most borng part was went the thing started to go down . it was like NOT moving . ! haha . aku punyer cabin ade siket org ! 10 je :) lol , lain ramaiii .
- fourth , boyfriend
i guess we should just break up .
thats all likee todayy .
do relink me .
thanks .