im here blogging..
currently damn bored.
just cant wait tuH go SkuLLinG tUhmoRoe..
i love skoolS..
yErp, i do.=)
canT msg iwans. he scared bill melambung, and me, pp8 low ar.
ahahas.. but Can Call hym ar. So happY..
so sdh seh..
nasir msg jush now,
telling me he won, 13-1.
goods fer hym lar. =)
he scored 2.
hahas. injured pon leh score per bang?
totaL boReD!
anione got planS??
hahas... nid tuh study.
tuhmorOe. scienCe.
i havenT study lar.
mlm den reaaD noTes and tExt booKs.
hahas. tuesday, having math. so scared , i hare math and i realy do.
i hate malay and maths. totally.
yesterday, during kenduri. the anak(wak siah)
thEy all maki2 us.
we all cool feRst.
den until cannot tahan, Den, i just
scold them ar.
one of them CRIEd. FINALLy.
hahas.. so happy.
den at bilik having lotsa fun.
missing nasir dear aloTs..
okay lar..
i just wanna listen tuh some music,
till Den..
nisa Loves nasir.and Forever will
8 days tuh 3monThS..