but for someone, i update laaa. sigh.
The SUPER HIGH ACHIEVERS wass greattt!
Ilove my coaches, Isaac and Jacinta(:
YES! i enjoyed myself throughout thee workshop!
although it was a 8am-6pm tingy, I swear, i had funn!
Now i know how to manage my time.
soccer and studies. i gotta study smart too!
And im still a high "I",
Not much changes in me. but my "s" is nearly the sammeee!
Gosh, there is a change in me laa!
And yeah, I LOVE 4E10
It was daa bomb activity( Too Badd sum weee and pengseng and junrong and kar kian wasnt there)
or not it'll be a CLASS TINGY!
We gottta hold on to one another, avoid ISAAC and JACINTA form pulling us apart from each other.
We grip and hug each others arm to make sure no one get pulled out.
No matter how much strength ISAAC tried to pull us apart, we still KEEEP HOLDING ON!
Alex was a mistake we soon realised( RIGHT GUYS?)
And after that, no one was pulled out!
Cheeers 4e10!
During breaks on the second day and third day,
We played streeet soccer.
Well. I scored whennn Ps wassss da goalkeeper.
Weak uh lu PENGSENG!
And i sure had fun with thee guys!
Wee keep on playing no matter how hot the weather was.
Well, 4e10 tak kesaaaah!
During the wkshop,
Nat was theee hyper one!
Getting crazyy everyday with her non stop nonsense.
I love the ENERGIZERS!
We did the Bilibanja tingy.
But changedd it toooooooo
4e10 oh 4e10
4e10 oh 4e10
Mr ang
Mr ang
Yesss we change our lyrics,
but so what?
And we did the friendship dance(:
I sureee enjoyedd it!
With a BIG HAHA!
Well enough about the wkshop.
tuesday, Is my first match of thee tournament.
And we'll be meeting WOODLANDS SECONDARY!
Wish us luck aite sumer orang(:
Hasrin, takmu luper boots!
And this IS FOR ARTC!
thanks for being there for me when i was sad and down.
you were the one who cheers me up.
Make me smile back.
Im glad to have you.
Nothing in the world i can give to you to repay everything that you've done for me.
You've been such a dear(:
Although we have differences, nothing could stop us , RIGHT?
thanks artc! you're everything that i need.
And ask for the guy that hurt me AS much ive hurt my mum,
Decision we had to make may be hard,
but whatever the decision is , THE DECISION IS MADE.
We had lots of tiffs and fights, and you dont even seem to bother.
But sometimes, you make me the trouble maker of our problems.
Is this how life should be?
Sigh, im gladd i have great friends.
Are you there for me when i needed you the most?
Are you the one who have been through all this while with me?
Are you just using me?
and i wanna wish the "LONG'S"
you know who you guys are, LASTLONG Aite!
Da steaddd tak tawuu bilanng! KEREK!
Anddddddd thinesh is my VERYYYYY GOOOD FRIENDDD!
Arsenal's match is today at 11pm.
no interuptions please.
And as for my blog song,
I know the song is rather out dated ,
yet, i still love this song .
"This guy version made me love this song" said someone.
the first ever song you sang for me.
and i keep complimenting you.
Dont you know how much i miss the friendship we once had?
The times we spent?
The day we met?
The day we sat side by side, admiring the wonderfulness of nature?
The day we knew each other, 15 november.
have you forgotten all that?
Have you forgotten how you told me , no matter what, you'll stand by me and never let go?
Are those words you told me are just lies?
Are those words are meant to be played about?
Those Calls?
Those songs?
Those tears?
Are they just meant to be memories?
Sigh, i gave you a message to read this,
cause i felt everything was tooo important for me.
there's no a new replacement for someone like you.
Im sure of that.
hoping one day, you'll come back, Realising everything was just too hard to forget.
hoping and still waiting.
Im Like sooo EMO nowww.
lets get to reallll business,
god knows when i would eventually update again.
and i hope i got an a for my latest math test!
And my parents have been the GREATEST!
Iloveyou mummy and daddeh!
sigh, how i wished i could turn back time and not say everything i had towards my dad.
he was the one who gave me an education , gave me money to school.
yet i hate him for some stupid reasons.
He loves me , thats why he did all that.
Mum told me , in all my siblings, He loves me the most.
Yet i keep on hurting him.
I dont deserve to be called a daughter.
But sometimes, whatever he said was so not true, thats why i rebel.
Im sorry dad, i know, for sure,you'll read my blog, and i just wanna say im sorry.
Sigh, im all for my olevels now!
With highly motivated self esteem!
And im sooo gonnna need a tuition teacher for my science.
someone please help me.
someone's playing pool with his friends.
kay merepek.
oh yaaa!
art class today wasss a mistake.
It was for the acad students and we express people, Sebok sebok.
takper, i sure had fun with themmm(:
And i love mia.hajar.sheila.mira.nat.ifah!
okay da biss!
Happy bday to azhar.
And i gotta know, mass run , Mia and iwan both first.
Stylee paaa. but thenn, Sometimes, things arent meant forever right?
And as for sheila and nasir , Happy 6 months! last long!
and nat and tim too , Happy 1 year, 4 month! 4 kay!
And as for those not mention,
iloveyou guys tooo,