Sunday, March 30, 2008

aku nk step mcm phm , mcm kau !

i know , aku mcm org giler , amik gamba sendrek ! haha , u know ,
camwhore , is the best thing to do , when youre bored . haha , dressed up yourself , take out that dusty camera , and start to CLICK . ! haha , thats what i always do . cant wait for school tommorrow , gonna meet my lalalala and mirror . haha , oke , my friends , haha ! so AZRUL tak msg aku , ): whatever ! so , when amk lib today , aku pandai , BORROW book on spanish , i wannaaaa learnnnn ! haha , they study guitar , i study speaking , yeahs ! so , while eating , they say , dads ex gf was there , haha , so we all the whole family tgk kan die , oke , she looks young . ! haha . so , my mum was kinnda JEALOUS , haha ! whatever , oke .. so eat , and went home , haha !
done .,
ntg to blog .
but i got last werds ,
err , girl , please , see miirrorr before you say anything about yourself ,
haha , you dont step like you phm , haha , cause ,
i dont like you . sad ass moron . my bf is kinnda interested in you ! NOT .
haha , whatever luh . so remember , what u write , isnt what i like ,
SAKIT mataaaaa .
i love you bf ,
may we last long .
top up soon hunneyhs !
anddddd , 2 moreeee days .
to ourrrr 3 months .
andd yeah , cant wait for that .
saturday gonnaaa meet him !
i love you idiotic moron .
hitsy hotstuff , NOT .
he loves arsenal .
goddbye ,
sleep well .
sleep tight .
i love my friends ,