Monday, March 31, 2008

my mum , !
thanks mia , hajar ! and yeah . my npcc mates toooooo . so school . hmm , nat wasnt herself , like duhh ! she was like .. FLASHBACKS .
sorry nat about those past .. err , i know i should be guilty , i really am !
its a relieved , you'd still be my friend after all those things ive done .
thanks dearest , 8 years of friendship . and i can veryy assure you , those things wont ever ever happen again ! sorry baby . very very sorry .
so , wenttt npcc , NCO nurul , talked to us , . hmm hu wants to be vp ?
so all to sujit , hahaha .bad huh ! so , baz wants to be odi . so how about i take the drill post ! isnt that more like me ? haha ! yea yeah . so , thats all that happened in school . ntg much ! yeahs , i was bored . ! sooo , mia wanted to rush home , lucky , nco nurul . lepaskan kiteee , sooo , kejar mia . went to meet helmi AYAM ., okeyy , dektuu hotstttttuffffff , mak oiii , hotstuff nyerr , tak leh carrrryyy nyerk .! gosh , miaaaa . haha . tapi sombong uhh , for what ? sombong ? haha , sooo , i was like slm diee ,. thennn , jalann ! he was tall ! hot ! hahahaha !!! sooo , after that
went to 736 , intention was to meet mark , butt skaliiii diaaaa PAITAO !. so went home after that , so dad got 9 ex !!! hahahaha . 9 siakk , hahahaha . so terperanjat , he cerite kan dhat mum and him nearly break offf , MUM was jealous ! haha . blah blah blah
done ..
we karaoke at home , ! like hell .
oke ..
cousin came to crib AGAIN .,
tak abis2 muker die .
muke lanny SIAL .
kipassss oke ???
i love bf
3months .
3:13am !
Sunday, March 30, 2008
aku nk step mcm phm , mcm kau !
camwhore , is the best thing to do , when youre bored . haha , dressed up yourself , take out that dusty camera , and start to CLICK . ! haha , thats what i always do . cant wait for school tommorrow , gonna meet my lalalala and mirror . haha , oke , my friends , haha ! so AZRUL tak msg aku , ): whatever ! so , when amk lib today , aku pandai , BORROW book on spanish , i wannaaaa learnnnn ! haha , they study guitar , i study speaking , yeahs ! so , while eating , they say , dads ex gf was there , haha , so we all the whole family tgk kan die , oke , she looks young . ! haha . so , my mum was kinnda JEALOUS , haha ! whatever , oke .. so eat , and went home , haha !
done .,
ntg to blog .
but i got last werds ,
err , girl , please , see miirrorr before you say anything about yourself ,
haha , you dont step like you phm , haha , cause ,
i dont like you . sad ass moron . my bf is kinnda interested in you ! NOT .
haha , whatever luh . so remember , what u write , isnt what i like ,
SAKIT mataaaaa .
i love you bf ,
may we last long .
top up soon hunneyhs !
anddddd , 2 moreeee days .
to ourrrr 3 months .
andd yeah , cant wait for that .
saturday gonnaaa meet him !
i love you idiotic moron .
hitsy hotstuff , NOT .
he loves arsenal .
goddbye ,
sleep well .
sleep tight .
i love my friends ,
Saturday, March 29, 2008
jackass .
i dont understand fanatics . haha , betol kan ? oke . i still have a boyfriend , ! yeah yeah , ! and bile blog die bukaa je , SAKIT mata siols . my friendss should know who luhh kan ! haha , fanatic luhh kan si dektu , so what you have a ... ? haha ! anything uhh kanns ! oke , tadi pagi was like , sedih , dearest why did you say that ? i was like , sobbing non stop !i felt like ending my life at that part of time , no one can describe how i was feeling , natasha , thanks for everything syggggg , ! ilove you babe , 8years of friendship . since primary one ! haha , beat that everyone ! so , that day ,we were talking about rational harmony day , and told nat about her primary 2 days , ! oke , everyone , she wore a TUDUNG to school on that day , haha , i remembered , everyone was like laughing at her .haha , lu kekek uhh girl ! oke .
had a DAMN tiff with my dearest , haiz . i cried in the bus .
so , i saw dzul (angin) and i was like , smiling at him .
he smiled back , he smiled , i smiled , he peace , i peace ! haha
it was kindda funny , had tafsir ! haha , ustazah was like .... haha .
talking about gajahs and all ! gajah pijak MATI . and she kept saying .
tak perlu ada matair sekarang , BELAJAR , ! haha , byk org terase ! haha , aifah told me . cik zul nk buat chalet , and yeah , yeah . ! cant wait at all ! haha . and we lepk with an ex convict hu wants tuh searc for his ex ., he hacks ppl account ! haha , MARK his name .
monday lepking with him ,. my girls gonna smoke , ! haha !
mark is a heavy smoker ! haha !
had my real shooting . I didnt get marksmen ! i wanted to cry . thanks to mates , everything was oke . i pitied baz . he wasnt okay at all . relax oke ?? haha , went smoking right after school ., ! yep , i was like ., alamak rindu uhh ,. mia and me stengh ! hajar didnt smoke . haha ! oke . whatever ... nothing more to say !
today , was like as it is . haha ! oke .
bf , tk sbr .
ahaha . oke done .
and i messaged artsy ., wasnt sure if it was him .! haha .
oke . done ,
TUESDAAAAY ! 3 months ! yeahs .
i love him !
no more MR.F . thanks hajar . you make me realised !
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
whattttt a day
today , dry shoot was okay ! i tell you , sir is good to me , ! haha , i like sirs pet ! yeah , yeah . friday is our real shoot ! anddd zhenghua , KALAH kepe ? haha , 3-0 ! see , yishun won u at your own field ,! you should be ashamed of it ! haha ., so mr.selvam , i done my art . yes , yes ! so i went out aT NIGHT , TO print my pictures , and all printed out , with zal and mira ! and iwas like .. haizz . then someone called , ! haiz , had a fight with him , ! god , i just cant believe him ! maybe its better if we just .. but , i dont want to lose you ! i love you alot , but , i just cant understand you ,
cant u just stay at home for one day ? haiz , anything uh , its your life , not mine , you can do anything , ! i dont wanna control ur life or whatsoever ! , and when i was going back , there was a guy at mrt , i was crying , and i looked at him , he smiled at me . and i was like , goodness , his hot , he board the train from yishun , maybe some yishun guy ? i tell you , his hot . one thing , nvr trust your bf at all , his lying ? you may never know ! guys , you just cannt anyhow trust , they are liars ! soory guys , but this is it , ! i simply cant stand it , i think im hating guys , haiz , what a life i got , i had a tiff with azzrul , ! haiz , that guyy ! haizz , soo i was mad cause i was like asking for my boots and he was like ,
asl dgn u ? tell me ! i was irratated , i asked for my boots and go home . only god knows how sad im feeling right now . i just want to end my life , i dont seem rather important to him ! maybe , we should just , .. haiz . i dont wanna say it , cause i dont ever want that to happen ! but i got this feeling that you liked another girl . haiz , i seriously dont know what to do , i feel i can cry , ! i slitted , but maybe it wasnt deep enuf ,
let me make it deep later before bed ,
will sent him a long message about this . and i think i will have nightmares again . haiz , i think you have another girl behind my back , maybe history is repeating itselfs back ! haiz , ! liek what happened dulu , u wanted to meet another girl when ure like with me ! if i know at that part of time ,
i will surely break up with you , i think all those i love you , u said to me are all lies ., none are the truth , i just .... dont know how to say it ! haizzz . friends if you have bf , do cherish him ! but , not too much , cause , you will get hurt in the end ! like me . haiz , what time is he gonna be back ? haiz .. nvm , one day , ill be like that ! haiz . two can play the game , i give up ,! i give up ! i dont think i can take
anymore tears ., ! haiz , i want to diee ! please help me ! haiz .
okeyy , i wanna sleep . its like 10.45 , ! i just reached home after a walk at the park ., haiz , im sad , ! dissapointed . and he promised by fridayy
i will be waiting , haiz , and i miss mr.KH . ! i got to know mystery man . and i miss mr.KH . even if i meet u in school , rindu luhh .
oke , maybe thatds all ., i really got no mood . lets end my life !
fuck those whores ! and i tell you , dont trust your bf .,
cause i dont trust mine ! andd ,
dont you agree ? guys love too look at girls ? haiz !
oke . i end here . if MR.Aff reading this blog , kindly tag it !
and we think about it . haiz , my relationship is going in the drain ! goodbye
i hate liars like you .
Monday, March 24, 2008
i dont wanaaaa chnge !

he look suckky ! dont you agree ?

cutiepies . and aku manager baru drg
posing kaperrr ?

3e10 , not completed .! credits tuh zhu !
dunia hubunia !
early !
hair , alot !

pout !
da tk lyn !
early !
pout !
yesterday , was a bad day for me , i was pissed off with many things .
oke , why must azrul call me baby ? im not a baby ,! haha , so , i tot i lost my best friend , maybe i did , i was sad about it , ! i cried so badly yesterday , i feel like my eyes just want to popped out ! haha , imokae right now ! when i really need my bf , he wasnt there for me . haha . die slalu appear wrong timing ! haha ,
on 22nd march 2008 .
i had deklamasi sajak at nus . oke , st andrews won again . so big fuck uhh ? haha ! s.a lagyyy luhh . haha , so , ade skola mcm CEDAR girls , look down on a neighbourhood school like us ! babi . hina skola kiter pe ? ! cedar piker , drg mane peh bsr ? haha ! watever luh ,. skola pmpn , lesbiaaans ! and yeah yeah ! haha , ! so meet boyfriend , and yeah , ilove you sygg ! haha , pakaian mcm gay uhh you ! haha ,! watever .
cut a story short . i looked at this guy . bf noticed . haha !mrh ?
soo , he sent me home . ! haha , have our first kiss ! eh , aku tk fanatic eh nk tulis ni kat blog , ! haha ! thanks for the l.b ! haha . !
on sunday ,
when bowl . byk mat ! aku tgk one guy nie ! da bis !
aku npk bdk too lagy , mira prasan . alamak , cute siol die . ! haha . bf more cuter btw ! haha . sorry yer . soo , azrul mahd adli bear joined us for our late lunch and early dinner . haha , my sisters and brother was there , azrul , tried to be friendly ! haha ,. he loove kids ? haha ! watever . so i bought my mc spicy meal , and i left with $0 in pocket ! haha , nk dpt $$$ on wednesday , cant wait ! haha , soo , mira and me , haha , byk eh peminat kiter due , ppl whistle here and there , well , well ! haha . bf and mayo , tkmu jealous . hu faizal likes ? n_ _ a_ _ _a ! haiz .
sape yer ? haha , soooooo , thats all . haaha , nat i know what we did last year . u shud noeee babe ! anddd i tell you , my hp was nearly confiscated by mr ang , thanks eh nat ! lu powerrr ! and aku draw tattoo ! ppl were like , can be tattoo artist ! aku syg bf aku ! and i always do , aku ckp nie pon ,aku tk fanatic ! haha , so i wont be tukaring my blog , for wad ? i chose this skin , so i stick with it . ! haha , watever luhh kan !when is yishun meeting bnss ? haha ! so , bascially thats all to blog , ! and what more to blog . !? haha . please luhhh , tukar prangai ., sblom ditkrkan ,. haha ! mcm phm uhh ! soo , dila ade pape ngan ryan ehh ? haha ! watever! ilove my bf alot !
and yeahs , ! haha . !!!!!i miss him like hell ,
i hope he doenst go around flirting with other girls bsk ! i hope , i hope !
i donttt wanna lose him , haha ! we both promised each other ! and yeah , keep it as it is .
goodnight , hope u all have a good day , like mine !
and cherish your love ones ,
dont swear .
Friday, March 21, 2008
blog for 2 days
like dat girl !
oh , thats for you sad ass!
fats !
mcm anjing !
haha !
miahajarnisa 2

went to cikgu house this morning ,. haha ! so , i woke up late . haiz . hajar called at , 9.10 ! and i was suppose to meet them at 9.30. i rushed my shower , but i smelled nice oke ! haha , so , by 9.25 ., i get out from the house . yeah , ! so , azhar father fetched us , and we went to cikgu house , yep , cikgu house is big ! and i was like , lawar seyhkk ! haha ,
so azhar took hidayat roles ! haha pdn muker yat , buih kiter mcm sial ! haha . so ,, thats all , went home , buy mc and kfc ,.
we went seoul garden , haha , before that , school is having sports and arts carnival ! so , i was in charge of basketball part , and i was like ,
haha , extra . only malay there ! and that someone , why are you extra ? haha . aku peh psl uh , if next time , you at the soccer field there ,
i will be like , why are you extra here ? haha ! sial uh , haha . so , 3e10 got 4th in place .
awww awww. ! peng seng is cute , and mira and zal frisbee ! haha ! yeahs yeahs ! mahd , kacauing ppl all the way ! haha . klkar giler luhh kan ! haha , ! gosh , yat band won ! congrats , shaun was hot ! and just the two of us , !? haha ! simply . menjojol kan mate aku ! haha , so , arvin won , and sec one was cutee ! haha ! so after that , hajar mia over to my crib , and we siap2 there ., haha ! they look hot kan ? yes yes ! hahaha ,
so meet mira and nat was late , dont blame her luh ! haha . so , went to causewayy ! meet mr tan there , they actually eat2 already ! so , we take our food , ! haha , while waiting , we ate the food that was cooked already ! haha , and sumer berebot , food was cooked ! and yeah yah !
mia spoiled the tom yum soup with grape ! hahah ! so ,. no one dared to drink the soup ! whata waste ! ahhaa ! so after that , meet az and mayonaise ! andd we jln2 at the psr mlm .oh , i forgot , mira meett ....!
MR.A , haha ! soo she sent him tuh the interchange ,
then they went to library , haha , i meant nat , me , hajar , mia , rizzuan , amalia , syak . so talked nonsence all the way ! haha , syak balik , so we still talk nonsence , mira website ? haha , she was storytelling about this two lesbo , and ended up , she herself , throwing up ! haha , kekek uhhh mira , then at 7.30 , we go balik . ate ice cream (minimelts) .
haha , i bought archie comics ! haha , so . thats all ! talked tuh bf , fight fight . . he wants to see girls !
yeahs !
so zhenghua game was canceled , will be on wednesday ! hardly wait , yes , yes ! haha , so im like ... ! haha
oke , dhats all to blog .
i love affen , cant wait to meet him , sajak ppl ! sjak !
yeah yeah !
ilove affen , and may we last long !
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