today, 140907.. hmm... something is not right. haha... 7 months wif nasir (KALAU TAK LAR)haha.. amira wished me the ferst.. haha.. i very the prasaan.. sumer org aku jumper kene wish me 7 months. haha.. hmm.. nasir ingt tk????hmm.. aku rasee die da lupa. tk pe. aku tk lupe. haha!!
i love nasir.i love nasir.i love nasir.. hmm, y cant anyone just realise it??!im seriously in love with him!!i just want him back in my life.his the only one hu can make me smile from one end to the other.his such a great guyy!!! i really treasure him much.. even, im with another guy... i dont feel love.the new guy doesnt show his love to me!!and its like wtf?! and i heard, he wanted to be wif me just because of kisses and such.. not because of love.. u see.. ITS LIKE FUCK!!!arghh... im not cheap ass hole!!!hmm....i thought of being single. and wont like other guys unless nasir.... cmon lar.. i cant forget him. u try hard, u cant make me forget him.. i have alot of GREAT memories when im wif him ... sadd.. happy...angry...alortt..my heart beats for him.only him... hes the guy i love.... god,help me get hm back. and if i do.. i will chnge u back into the old you. i dont seem tuh likke u .the "new" you. get what i meant?? u shud noe...
tk tahu?? tanyer nazzirull. he shud noee...
i wont mind considering you back in my life.cause i love you .. i really do....

ive enuf of blogging heree.. haha..
so i gtg...
take care my sweets..
i love him...
muzaqqir is my love.
nasir is........