i can say , 16.07.07 is a really BAD fucking day.. isnt it amira?hmm. i wasnt allowed to watch nasir play soccerr and wad the hell is that.i cried. haha. mama is bad. she even grounded me. so i was told tuh be back home before "3pm". gosh, im grounded. wad the hell is that?so ahajr and mia didnt watch soccer.just because of me.sorry my syg.=(( sob2.i wasnt the only one hu left hurt,mira too. she cried. hmm. cause of this GUY arr. damn all this guys hu just love to make a girl CRY!i hate guys hu make a girl cry FOR the bad reason..hmm, btw,my drawing nice ryte?until many2 people puji.suker gue. haha. soccer match.hmm, they drawed to christ syg scored 2.
so, the stories go on.haha. nasir sent me home .straight afterr school.iwas grounded and wasnt allowed tuh go anywhere at all.=((so he went training.i went home.but he sent me home.its better then never sent me home at all.he was the one hu requested to antar ikot jer ar.we saw fir and kak hanis.haha.we kissed and bid farewell.gosh, im in love wif him
i had dance prac after school.nasir went out wif faizal and all. so im left at school.2.00pm-2.15pm.

chatteed wif hajar,azhar and qamarul.amira wen tuh follow kak shahidah go 2.15pm,i was left tuh talk tuh we chated.nothing to tell.all boring stuff.and *i* gay? i waited till amira went back skul.then she bought we ated.saw zair and yuni, and we began chatted. i ask zair,"i" gay? he said. yeah maybe. haha. iwas shocked. i told azhar.and he was like, HUH?? hahaha.den kak suriana called us,told us tuhh go multi-purpose at last we dance at dance and dance and i went off at 4.30.nasir msg me tuh be come down i quickly make my way.and i found basket ball court.he took amira drawing block by he sent me home,but i didnt went straight went home.hehe. ..ada arr hal.=)))kan syg?haha. i love you.
soccer boys had a match. tk slh they lost ar..2-1. nasir scored the one.ahaha.we went spore polytechnic.guess wad?we partner imran.=)mira and we sat at the back of the sat beside imran obviously,and zair2 and mira sat tuhgether.gosh they look like a we had shots of pictures taken.and we chatted. i scooped imran biscuits.gosh,i like him.=)) haha. joking arr. . . imran, kau sweet at poly,i sat beside him again.we sat veryy close.haha. mcm matair.everywhere he go i followed.haha.zair sat beside after that went treasure hunting at poly.gosh its shure fun.amira and zair stopped by a vending machine to buy food.haha.they shared it.again,looked like matair.haha. so went ran around2.haha.and we came in 4th.haha.. resultS?we came in 2nd!!wtf like dat.we were just infront of tanglin SEC.its like whatever.FUCK if we have been fast, we could have won! haha. tk puas. we won mars chocolates and won lights.haha. so wentback school,dance prac.LAST we dance. haha.den we were being halau.haha.den soccer boys went back.wif sad22 faces.goshh.=((. haha. so i went home wif darlinkk nasir.mia,iwan,hajar.=)). amira and nami went buy contacts.haha.i bought food.haha. and FREAKYLY i gort mad iwf nasir. he sent me home, but i was putting a forwn all the way. at my block, i asked fer the food and he at ferst didnt want tuh let me have it, i then went mad.i cried okay??mama ask me, "asl ngan kau??"and i was like nothing ahppened.and i went tuh room,SLIT.=)) LITENINO.=)) gosh its an artwerk.haha. ilove himsee?? we are CUTE.

im gonna update this much.=))sorrie everyone.i update later kay?i nid tuh eat.i buyy foody2.haha.=))lotsa loves.nisa.i love nasir ali.=)))!!!!!