oh my . aku nie nk update peh lmbt . lots of spiderwebs around here . spotted em ! lols . aku merepek . went movies with my boyf , okay . im super happy laa's . yeah . so actually the real plan was to watch kallang roar , nabei , at cathay amk , dont have , i was like . OH FUCK FUCK . andd yeah , think and think , OBVIOUSLY , theres nothing to watch , and yeah , wth . we were like , dnt know what to watch , hahas , most was nc 16 or m18 , hahas , wall e ? hu wanna watch . clone wars , oh my , BORED laaas . soo , i made the decision , I Eh ! hahas , watch money no enough 2 , hahas . okay , it was in chinese , but lucky for me , english subs , -> its easy for a girl whom watch chinese show . hahas . and a chinese boyf to translate , haha . soo , bought popcorn ., hahas . oky , thanks uhs ps friend , ( sec 4 guy ) idk his name , okay . me and ps alr queud up for popcorns , and yeah , his friend was in front , unfortunately , WE were blind . his friend gave his place , me and ps , smilin our way . gonna reach , haas , MOVIE TICKETS ONLY , i was like , oh wth ?! stupid stupid ! hahas , so , queud up again , i think about 7 mins , we're in the second , i tel you uhs , infront of us was bunch of kids . ANd they were super kanchiong i tell you . each got their own set of popcorn . boyf was so fucked up , told them kuai tian ( i tthink ) they think like its their fathers MOVIES , nvm kids . =-=' ! soo , when it OUR TURN , this lady behind us , asked , " did you queued ? or u just skip the queue ? and i was like , huh ?! hello , we like queue up from just now , then say anyhow , we cut queue , boyf was pissed , i think . hahas . oh yeah . boyf wore pants , and omg , he looks soo adorable . bby , i tell you , u look cute laas today , hahas . (: yeah yeah . soo , movie was 2hrs and 15 mins , and tell you , i nearly cried , hahas , boyf too . i love my mum . hahas , the mum in the show was super funny and quite pitiful . haahs , asking eat alr , when did you go home , the daughter in law so mean , hahas . ....... bla bla bla . wanna noe ? go watch yourself okay ? haha .
jahat sial aku . okay , school was BORED ! i tell you , what a walk ? hahas , walk around the neighbourhood , soo boring laa's ! hahas , soo , walk walk , concert , haas , boring again , shaun sing in the video , SOOOOOO cute ! hahas . wanna message him , but , lost his num , :( ! nvm . sooo , err , those are the pictures , from national camp ., u cann see more in my friendster . and i love my jiwers , i miss em lots too , aaron , if youre reading , hahs , sorry , i wont be at macs 1 months from now . hahas .AND bby , i hope u gonna fast ., yeahh .
i gtg .
i misssss amira , natasha , crystal ALOT !!!!
please come back asap .
and girls , when u read the post ,
msg me .
love yaa's alot .
i love my boyf .
muz , macha okay ? stay hot . and be happy (:
nisa is super okay .
farhan too !
take care ,