rotting , and im bored , basically im rotting ! :)
and yeah , my blog seems DUSTY . so lets update nisaaa .
i love my 3e10 soo much , and yeah , we bonded as a class now . and i'm happy :)
all of us are planning to nominate dearest mr.andrew leo
for the * i love my english teacher .
yeah , we do love him .
im habboing and im loving it .
peng seng dearr have been messaging me .
and yeah , monday our badminton TOURNAMENT .
foohlerrmakk .
glorious 3e10 .
and sengseng told me , only 3 teams joined the mixed double anddd
if we lose , we still get our 3rd prize laa kan !
:) . soo . today , someone , confessed he still liked me .
and i was shocked , cause i nvr expect that person to still like me.
his not in my ex list btw ,
so keep on guessing .
his the same age as me
but , i told him . matair boleyy kasi main pantat per ? ( oops , akir line ) pinjam jap .
annddd i aprreciate , nami , mira , mia , hajar's help
esp mr QUEK .
love yaa all .
i dnt wish to evaluate everything .
and yeahh .
now . im gonna speak my mind off to this pathetic someone .
okay , eva . pleaseee stop bothering mira's and mahd's life .
sadly , mahd is ur past .
u cant possibly raked about the past and venged anger on him .
kesian laa kan mira kalau yer pon .
shes practically feeling all bad cause she thought , shes in the fault
when the real fact is , she isnt .
pleasee evaaa .
its like 6 months alr mahd left you .
andd u yourself gt yourself a guy .
so why want mahd ?
im being straightofrward here cause i pity my bestfriend.
she's hurting for nothing
if u dnt like her and stuff .
talk to her . meet her ., talk . REVENGE aint the way okay , huns ?
okayy , my mum had started edible image cuppies.
and yeahh , u wanna TRYY ?
go .
and do tag at http://www.ixora22.cbox.ws
its for non multiplyers .
anddddd now .
sissssy watching kungfu pandaa
* pirated *
syiqin , just came back from ne .
i misssssss RALph . AFIQ . SARA /
dimanakahh u guys ?
i gtg
ffing !!!