my blog seems dusty , oh my god . lol .
nat , thanks for introducing a cool edit software .
nark tahu ? TK BULEYY . hahaha .
im sick . all thanks to amira . * thank amira
and only god knows how happy i was yestd .
boyf was complaining . sweet .
so , sum wee , me , natasha and boyf met under my block .
and we thought the tournament started at 3 pm .
and , strangely , no one was there .
boyf , scold vulgarities .
and called , ???
andd we were told it actually started at 4pm .
wow ! and i was like ...
haaa , boredom strike ,
i told natasha that i wanted to go home and take my soccerball with me .
and yeah . :)
boyf accompany me . how sweet .
so , got the ball , and accidentally . ( NOT ) , aimed his butt and kick the ball .
i cant stop laughing . hahahahhaha . he looked like an idiot . hahaha . HE IS !
so .. met the bunch .
crysie with doug .
endrea .
mira and mahd ./
eh , nami too .
so some play badminton . others slack , crysie plays soccer with doug , cute .
mahd , nami , nat . > NOWHERE .
mira and me , sleep in the middle of the road .
cool or what ?
haha .
so , no TOURNAMENT , we headed to the basketball court .
unfortunately , i didnt play basketball cause , .....
im SHORT . lol .
sooo , waited and waited , FINALLY . SOCCER .
hahaha . so played , and became the keeper , chey .
hahaha .
nat , a BIAS REFEREE . wth ?! hahaha .
we had fun .
crysie and doug , aww . SOO CUTE .
mira and mahd , MONSTER !
we were playing soccer , while , MR LIM PENG SENG > BASKETBALL ,
hahaha .
soo . i checked my hp .
and saw a message , read it .
and i was sooooooo angry
it was nothing .
just minor fights between girls .
soo . after that , NAT , mira ME , decided , to play soccer .
yeahp . the 3 of us . hahaha . not soccer laa . just passing .
wahh , nat knows how to pump the BALL . shes good , :)
u should join soccer laaa idiot .
hahaha .
anddddd , busy playingggg , RAIN STARTED POURING .
wth ?!
soo . mira and me . WET .
we ran to the playground ,
andd andd andd andd andd play the slide .
coolio .
hahaha .
soooo , now , im SICK for goodness sake .
blogging cause im bored , and i cant sleep . wth !
i freakingly miss my boyf . and yeah .
baru jer meet tadyy .
soo , tomorrow , going out with uncle stanley ,
cool or what ?
HIS treating mc spicy .
ooooohh .
niceeeeeee .
and i cant wait to meet dearest boyf .
and sayang .
im sorry if ive let you down this past 1 weeks .
and we're always fighting .
only on wednesday , we didnt .
cheyy .
and i know , i did break lotsaaa promises .
and yeah , i'll try not to BREAK EVEN MORE .
hahaha .
steady .
and sayanggg ,
youre so so so freakingly , idiotically , handsomely sweet .
awww .
shoutiing in the rain .
ahaha . alamak . when u said that . i quickly run out andd hug you .
cool or what ?
i love you too sayang .
mummy knows that im with lim peng seng .
and alhamdulilah , its okay .
soo . okay .
ive blog enuf .
take care .
ilove my boyf