Thursday, March 29, 2007

The..? so loving in writing this blog.its likE i put everything in..
hhaas.whatevEr lah so damn it happy lahh!!tuEday. we finALLy Reach thE Fuckin StanDard of mR CHan!!!hahaS!!!happy boDOh.=).no nid running on tues liao!!happy gila babi!yeah!!okay..tuhmorOe.Kynn And Ayu and dilah wont be in SchoooL the whoLe TheM tuh rUn wiF!nasib ada si idiot tuh...hahas.
but the BITCH got lah!!!fuck sia..okaY??i really love nasir peoplE!!hys mynE.not anYonE.okay??!! getting much giLer each Day.tak CayEr tanye lah bestie ku yg duduk ngan aku sewaktu recess.i somEtyme cant finiSh my fooD.Yeah..its ALL because of sheekEen!!!hahas.make me laugh...same tuh amira!!hahas.....i put exclaimation mark cuz hapPy lah...hahas,,,....i LOVE nasir.yeah..okay?? i go tuh hta!!fuck it was damn tiring.but FUN LAH!it rockS!!hahas.....its like ure on the paradE!!the actual parade,all the procedure was gone trough(did ie spell it correct?)saturdAy thE day,WhEre our full drEss ReHEarsaL.niD tuh poLish The Damn it BooTs!!!arghh!!!i havent yet polishEd Dem.toRt of brinGing iT tuhmoRoe.Can ask Fer the nCo help on polishing the bootS laH..i polish oso not shiny!!hahas..okay??i love 13!!!yeah..13...and alsO 9.hahas(nasir loveS the numBer 9,so i guEss i niiD tuh lovE the numBer.)hahas,,okay???ie love nasir....da 3 kali aku ckp...nasir nyer namer..yeah..FerveEr..we last...okaY?? he may not look attracTive on the outSiDe..but hE hAs a beAutiFul Soul!!!yEaH.okaY?? but he attractive oso on the outsyDe!!!okay??so cute lAh he..
i love naSir onLi..








gtg...updation tuhmorOE..

