Hey readers,
Wait, Do i have any?
So, life is much better with Artc, NEVER FAILS TO CHEEEER ME UP!
thanks bby!
Kay merepek.
ilovemy fellow 4e10 mates.
Natasha, Mira, Crystal, Wan lin, Priscilla, Hayati(:
Theyre likeeee myyyy sunnnnshineeeee in schoool.
Never fails to make me smileeeeeee, laugh, Get crazy and stufff.
Ilovemyfellowmates alot.
More than you love yours.
And i decided to do on eagle for my art.
artc is sooooo encouraging(NOT).
HAHAAH! andddd i swear, its hard drawing an eagle.
but the person who wins is the one who thinks they can.
Chehh, nisa berspeaking english.
Artc gave me the name nisa siao.
Thanks alot ehhhhhh.
You sooooo cute.
I cant write the name i gave artc.
nameeee takle mcm2 oii.
kay best.
Went to the lib just now.
Afterachievers of course(duhhhhh)
met hajar, mia, zul, iwan, qamarul,syafiq.
Well, i was busy with something else.
sorrry guys i didnt talk that much withh ya.
ive been real strong.
Very veryyy strong.
thanks to nat and mira for all those advice.
you guys gave me some hope.
andd you're the best of friends.
anddd sorry kid if you;re angry at me.
ill say sorry to you when i meet you tmrw.
thts for sure.
im soooo going training tmrw.
gottt daaa booooots from haizair!
thanks boy(:
i got math and malay compo.
and somehow, we're drifting.
Byebye isk?
Hah. whatever.
Artc, Loveyaaaaaaaaaaaars'
ANDDDDDDDDDD Alip ngan nisaaa da okay balik.
happpppy siolllllllllll.
kay bye.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Broken hearted .
The pain is killing me.
I cant stop crying.
Why must you do this to me?
apa silapku?
Damn it. Im sooooooooooooooooooooooo broken hearted.
anyone? cheer me up?
And as for you,
Dont disturb me .
Ive had enough of everything.
so much for being patient and listen to you, Yet , you're breaking it.
All i want for my bday this year,
A very happy day with my friends and this special someone.
This month has been real hard for me.
Ive been enduring all sorts of pain.
And somehow, things just as it is.
i dont know what to do now.
God, i swear, my heart is dying and someohow its closing for you.
Only god knows how sad i am right now!
I need strengh.
Im feeling soooooo sad now.
Damn sadd.
But whatever it is, im strong.
Let him hurt me even further more.
i dont mind all this.
Why?!! why??!!
Nisa is broken hearted.
one problem to another.
I cant stop crying.
Why must you do this to me?
apa silapku?
Damn it. Im sooooooooooooooooooooooo broken hearted.
anyone? cheer me up?
And as for you,
Dont disturb me .
Ive had enough of everything.
so much for being patient and listen to you, Yet , you're breaking it.
All i want for my bday this year,
A very happy day with my friends and this special someone.
This month has been real hard for me.
Ive been enduring all sorts of pain.
And somehow, things just as it is.
i dont know what to do now.
God, i swear, my heart is dying and someohow its closing for you.
Only god knows how sad i am right now!
I need strengh.
Im feeling soooooo sad now.
Damn sadd.
But whatever it is, im strong.
Let him hurt me even further more.
i dont mind all this.
Why?!! why??!!
Nisa is broken hearted.
one problem to another.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
posting a post that looks like a post.
since i see everyone is using the old skin i was using and some of my friends have changed their skins. I was like, JEALOUSSS!
Nice Nice skinn they have. Compared to mine(NOW) , i think my friends skin are much better.
And somehow, i seemed to be active once again in friendster(sigh).
See those pictures above? Well , it was 2 of the 90+ pictures from my holiday in melaka(:
i like the 2nd picture as it look as if , EVERYONE was goofing around(Duhhh)
Feverish this past few days.
its gonna be a week tomorrow!
See, how longgg my sickess is dragging.
shit, im having sore throat and i could hardly breathe.
Flu's and cough irritates every part of my body.
And i injure my shin somehow. (OUCHOUCHOUCH!)
Thanks wan lin for buying those sweeets to soothen my sore throat.
Somehow i'm like shouting, and only some words could be heard.
Shit! im like the english rep in class and mr.james sure like putting hopes on me.
Well, i can say, im the most laziest english rep! Well , i got tons of admin to be done.
Well , classes have been great. I managed to concentrate somehow.
Anddddd i off my phone during lessons( well , only when my friends keep using their phone, I would on it eventually)
My favourite subj now is math!
well , i improved on my math.
from a f9 to a d7.
Well , one moree mark i could pass.
well , i wasn't in class when mr.phua explain and teach the subj on congruent triangles.
So i failed that section):
buti passed my graph(:
And i know how to solve graph questions now(:
i passed my graph( FOR THE FIRST TIME)
kinnnddaaaa happpy with it.
Well , all i gotta do now is continue my positive attitude on studies.
And buck up on malay.
i keep talking english during mother tongue classes.
Science=DIEEE! i dont seem to understand anything.Whatever it is, ill try to understand(:
and on friday, one of my classmate was canned. Ouch, it was scaryy. The tingyy was infront of my eyes. when the cane hit the butt, the sound wass like , WOOOSHHH.
Scary abis. lucky For us girls, we dont get caned. only stupid suspension.
Well. ive only been once late.
And thats goood. The reason we were late cause something popped up. mira and me wasnt planning to go late. Shit siaaa.
Nvm, MIRA, no moreeee late late!
And as for life, well, im trying to make it better.
and i wanna post something for this special someone( this person should know)
okay, im sorry if i've been bad towards you.
And i know, i've hurt you.
Noboby's perfect. People tend to make mistakes one way or another.
And they didnt realise how much that person meant to them till they lose them.
i admit, i was selfish at times. and stubborn too.
Everything must be on my side not yours.
Maybe ive lose you forever. and ive shed tears every night thinking about you.
You meant alot to me. You're the world greatest friend ever.
And i'm sorry if my attitude hurts you. Ive been real bad to you.
i'm real sorry. i dont know what to do to gain back everything i(we) once have.
im wishing upon a star, hoping everything will come back to me.
expecially you.
Things have been upside down this week.
Myself was like feeeling soooo ass down. Only god could explain how sad i was.
And the flows of tears. Wow, i must be real darn heartbroken. and the wound is still there.
thanks to this someone whom really hurt me. Those are bad.
its been quite awhile since we talked on the phone.
Its been quite awhile since we last met.
its been quite awhile since we had our FLOW of messages(never ending iloveyou's)
everything seems to go the opposite of it.
My love life, definately is getting nowhere.
And hoping for some angel to help me on this.
god has sent me someone that really cares for me.
someone who does understand me.
someone who teases me.
someone who likes the way i bring myself.
never seemed to have a problem with me.
im grateful for that kind of friend(:
and i dont need any of my exes trying real hard to impress me.
Cause you suck.
And this few sentence is for this someone that i could call PATHETIC AND ATTENTION SEEKER!
hello someone, dont act as if you're some kinf of IMPORTANT PERSON in the world.
stop those vulgaritites that keep pouring out of your mouth.
stop those immature things you did right infront of me.
Stop getting attentions and act as if you're ONE KIND OF BIG F!
andddd stop being irritating.
since when someone aged 16 act like you?
hhahaha! maybe your brain are too slow to even think that you're actually L.A.M.E and immature.
act like a 16 year old okay?
Stupid person!
and somehow if it kinnda offend you, LOOOK, i didnt state any names.
HAHAHA! Find out yourself(:
seriously, that person bugg me alot.
HAHAHA! stupid immature.
And to anyone.
stop being nice to me whenn you;re right infront of me.
Step siaaaak. Nak message message whenn you saw me.
Stupid per?
and i dont think i smiled alot this few days.
only secret laughs with my Cool girls(:
Andddddddddddd i think i post alot.
got to go.
mnutd match is on now.
1.25! my match.
till thenn.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
thanks for making my day adli and mira(:

Hi suckers.
Be jealous, cause mine is much better than yours.
This week has been a great week ,
my bad temper.
those fights.
those irritating asses.
friends issue's.
my life is gerek.
"I like your style" is a sentence i learned from aidan.
my voice is nowhere to be found. Shit siaaaak.
Lets talk about today.
Well, at 2.30 met adli and mira.
Kay fine. Me. HAHAHHA.
Well , ngee ann lain kali suaa.
well , went rp pon nver go on tour.
watching a hip hop competition. HAHHHAA.
adli and me were like, baik uh.
The 3 of us thought rp ader Macs.
so off we went to cwp.
Eat macs. Duhhh.
Wait wait it was the civic centre.
We ate quite awhile.
And there were 3guys sitting beside us.
All were PSP holders.
Mira was sittng beside one of them,
and one of them was like,
playing his game while cursing.
he was like"bitch bitchy bitchess"
and mira was like, stare at my face, and i was like , HAHAHAHAHHA!
They were so engrossed, i bet if a meteor was to hit at the exact macs, they couldnt be bothered.
and thenn , another wowness tingy happened,
it was rather complicated.
A mum? grandma? scolding a child " kau bodoh " infront of people.
adli, me and mira were like, " if i was that boy, for sure lar rumah la, fight back la, embarrased la"
HAHAAHA. its like rude siaaa. what a mum or grandma.SOO, after eating,
we were like, Okay, now what.
I was suggesting , LIBRARY?
but thenn, something struck me.
"i wanna play the car bende2 at timezone"
and adli and mira was like , okay uh. best per.
So we all head to cwp, TIMEZONE.
fuck siaaa, Got lots of people.
and we were like . =.="
hahahaha. then adli suggested " main yang kat northpoint la"
and i was like , np ader timezone ker? i though renovate.
then mira said it was above popular.
i was like , okay. Lets go.
So off we went to yishun.
Adli wanted to take the bus.
HELLO ADDD! its like 5 plus alr.
So sampai timezone np, GEREK PAAAA.
like the place no one siol.
so paper card = $2.
We played the car tingy.
Adli didnt manage to play.
He doesnt know howto swipe.
so mira and me, off we went .
HAHAHA. mira got 1st.
thenn went the tingy ends.
the three of us wanted to play again.
butmira was the only one that succesfully swipe the carrd.
adli card mcm slenger.
soo , we played those alaaaa the ice hockey? or whatever its called.
HAHAHAA! nisaaa menanggg.
i had the remaining one bucks.
we wanted to play basketball.
but, shit siaaa.
so mira and ad played the motor tingy instead.
andd it was 5.55.
i was like , gtg.
soo off i go.
Bla bl bla.
shit happen after that.
kayy best.
I ws sick yesterday.
glad im okay now.
mira is sick.
hope she get well soon(:
iloveyou mira.
off i go.
and ifahhh. i update kayy?
next time, ill update bout my sec one orientation.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
I sayy im bored.
thats why i decided to blog.
i know im late on updating what happen on the first day of school, but at least i did right?
2nd january;
woke up at 6.35am.
mandi2 , outta house at 7am.
daddy sent to school, and i told him lotssaa time" sent me to the mrt"
hahhaa. well , nvm . made a u turn to 736.
saw mia and hajar and their new hairstyle.
Fierce siol sister.
Thenn , mira was like, nisaaa " nat kat mcp laa"
i was stupid to walk to 736. thought nat was there. instead she was at mcp.
Buying plasters.
HAHAHAHA. siall. she wanted to hide her piercing, which is stupid!
using plasters to cover your upper mouth.
nat , kau merepek siaa.
hahahahha. so she was like"aku kene pukol uh."
Cant stop laughing when nisa meets nat meets mira.
jumper siang2, tapi sampai skola when the 2nd bell just rang.
mr phua was like "1st day also can late uh?"
hahahha. funny siaa.
nami told me, my hair colour could be seen.
I was like"i dyed it black per"
soo , i was like "aku tak nak kene caught! LECEHHH!"
and i tyed my hair anyhow.
our new principal was like , giving her speech.
soo , we GRADUATING CLASSES were told to assemble at the auditorium for a hair and attire check.
hahaha. merepek. PRINCIPAL gave her speech AGAIN.
she was talking about girls with fringe gave her an impression of a big NONO.
and bla bla bla bla.
then attire check , those kena caught will just get a letter.
thenn had discipline talk.
bla bla bla bla.
with sheila,ifah,jasree,nat,mira(:
and there were alot of budak baru naik.
shittaa, lotsaaa people bring the same bagg.
MY CLASS; 1st level.
happpyy siol nisaaaaaa.
and and, i improved my physics.
hahahha. got a free movie voucher.
hayatti was like " nisa? kau improve?!
i was like " kimakk, aku improve?"
hahaha. happy laaaas.
soo yeahh.
school da bis.
met mira, and off to my house to change my clothes.
thennn off to mira house.
thenn off to school with mia.
had a meeting for sec one orrientation.
thenn after meeting.
mira and me head off to np.
eat at sakura.
mira nicee ehh?
next time eat there again.
hahaha. had a whole day with mira.
love you.
the highlight of the day was "anas"
okayyy, GTG.
love it.
we;re drifting apart.
I sayy im bored.
thats why i decided to blog.
i know im late on updating what happen on the first day of school, but at least i did right?
2nd january;
woke up at 6.35am.
mandi2 , outta house at 7am.
daddy sent to school, and i told him lotssaa time" sent me to the mrt"
hahhaa. well , nvm . made a u turn to 736.
saw mia and hajar and their new hairstyle.
Fierce siol sister.
Thenn , mira was like, nisaaa " nat kat mcp laa"
i was stupid to walk to 736. thought nat was there. instead she was at mcp.
Buying plasters.
HAHAHAHA. siall. she wanted to hide her piercing, which is stupid!
using plasters to cover your upper mouth.
nat , kau merepek siaa.
hahahahha. so she was like"aku kene pukol uh."
Cant stop laughing when nisa meets nat meets mira.
jumper siang2, tapi sampai skola when the 2nd bell just rang.
mr phua was like "1st day also can late uh?"
hahahha. funny siaa.
nami told me, my hair colour could be seen.
I was like"i dyed it black per"
soo , i was like "aku tak nak kene caught! LECEHHH!"
and i tyed my hair anyhow.
our new principal was like , giving her speech.
soo , we GRADUATING CLASSES were told to assemble at the auditorium for a hair and attire check.
hahaha. merepek. PRINCIPAL gave her speech AGAIN.
she was talking about girls with fringe gave her an impression of a big NONO.
and bla bla bla bla.
then attire check , those kena caught will just get a letter.
thenn had discipline talk.
bla bla bla bla.
with sheila,ifah,jasree,nat,mira(:
and there were alot of budak baru naik.
shittaa, lotsaaa people bring the same bagg.
MY CLASS; 1st level.
happpyy siol nisaaaaaa.
and and, i improved my physics.
hahahha. got a free movie voucher.
hayatti was like " nisa? kau improve?!
i was like " kimakk, aku improve?"
hahaha. happy laaaas.
soo yeahh.
school da bis.
met mira, and off to my house to change my clothes.
thennn off to mira house.
thenn off to school with mia.
had a meeting for sec one orrientation.
thenn after meeting.
mira and me head off to np.
eat at sakura.
mira nicee ehh?
next time eat there again.
hahaha. had a whole day with mira.
love you.
the highlight of the day was "anas"
okayyy, GTG.
love it.
we;re drifting apart.
The feeling of drifting apart.
The feeling of losing a friend you knew long ago.
The feeling of having fun is all i know.
The feeling of getting crazy.
The feeling of leaving those sadness behind.
The feeling of ticking somone off.
The feeling of hating.
The feeling of disgusted.
The feeling of having the best of friends like;Mira.Nat.Sheila.Ifah.Mia.Hajar<33
The feeling of getting sleepy.
The feeling of losing a friend you knew long ago.
The feeling of having fun is all i know.
The feeling of getting crazy.
The feeling of leaving those sadness behind.
The feeling of ticking somone off.
The feeling of hating.
The feeling of disgusted.
The feeling of having the best of friends like;Mira.Nat.Sheila.Ifah.Mia.Hajar<33
The feeling of getting sleepy.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
AND sayaaa da ptg rambot saya.
and im hating it.
SHITTT hairr.
SHORT siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
and im hating it.
SHITTT hairr.
SHORT siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
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