skating ing
oh hello citizens of singapore . im khairunnisa . and im so random right now . haha ! went ice skate at explorer kid . :) anddd , it wasnt a real ice skating rink btw . its fr budak2 kecik . hahaha . and i was laughing all the way . i swear i am . hahaha . so the guy in orange is afiq . nana's boyfie . :) he worked there , and lucky fr us . we played fr free laaaa kann . hahaha . the girl in black and red is nisa . hahahahaha . the guy in grey with faded jeans is azlan bitch , and the guy in 3/4 pants with black red shirt is afiq black . and i had fun . :) andd in the bus , azlan and me , soo in lurrve with the song touch my body , we sang , dance and all . azlan got so pasieyh when black turn . hahaha , and what the hell , can u guys like believe , they're actually 15 . just 15 ! and i was like , biaaa btl fifteen . they dnt look like 15 fr god sake . ohhh my . prangai pon bkn mcm 15 . hahaha ,
soo . tomorrow is sac ! oh my , imnot going ! hahaha . gt STUPID RALPH . thats why . haiyohh
and farhan too . ! hahaha . and i was like , gimme 4 reasons why i shud go , asshole ralkp replied . then dont go ! hahaha . asss . tomorrow morning spain's gonnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa playy . and dearest nisa wont be sleeping . cause she waanna watch the match . sooo . anyone , can beep her till late at night , cause shw wont even care . ! but please . do not disturb her , when the match alr started . cause she wanna concentrate on the game . oke people ? kapeesh .
soo , bskkk going out withh qel . and maybe after that gooo lepak with hiss friends .
he wanna show around . and yeahp .
afiq , afiq is hot . FARHAN AFIQ laaaaaaaaaaaa .
anddd nisaaaa bgs .
like what i told nasir ali .
and nasir , thanks oke !
hahahahaha .
and like i say .
GLOrY spain and arsenal . cause they're the best
martin harnik is hot .,
austriaaa laaaa kans .
tomorrow spainn meeting greece
and SPAINS gonna win
insyallah .
they alr qualify for theeeeeeeeeeeee Quaterfinals i think
nisa asal boleh ajer laaaa .
to hitsy
: like i say , u can find another girl .
im not the one fr u .
i did cry after reading ur post .
but i dnt find you changing .
but getting worser .
demanding , !
haiz , i wannaaa be with you together . but
after all this i think , we should not get together back .
ive suffered enough , so do you .
soo , we should just move on
i know , u still love me .
anddd i still do love you .
but .
our relationship will go nowhere .
like u say in ur pm:
memories fading away
to you it is .
but to me .
our memories is always kept in my heart
andd i cant just forget you ,
i hope u understand
and dnt ever blame urself
no ones perfect .
even myself .
take caree dude .
and friends .
and i dont love anyone
wait , i do love someone . !
someone per ! hahahahha