- aku gado sama hitsy
- mak aku mcm mak aku
- bapak aku pon samer
- sdare mcm pecah
- aku sakit
- da la panas
- aku tk gy skola
- wake up late
- late night calls (sorry baby)
- aku suker message org
- aku msn ngan muz
- aku sms ex aku ( hahaha )
- apit nk order cucpake (aink ?)
- aku nye aw aw tk abis2 gado
- amira kaki drh , (kiwakk )
- amira pakai slipper beh kene balik
- india and korean progamme
- aku tumbuk christian
- AMACIAM hiduup ?
- aku pekik2 pagi (mahd and adli ketawekan )
- thank yew ehk (mcm hajar)
- balik pukul 10
- singapore flyer
- bus mrepek
- main psp tk abis2
- dgr lagu is it you
- decisions
- habbo
- 180508
- aku gy nee soon nyer anniversary
- audy ( amira , thanks eh )
- man utd vs chelsea ( ahhaha )
- break
- cry
- panadols
- mia cm sial
i swear , im like , bbl mrepek . but all of em are true . its up to youu to believe it . i wont change blogskins , cause i put my heart and soul in it . so what (ketupat) got his pic ? hahaha .i dont know why this few days i like to message alot till my batt run low .i play psp alot too. peng seng play poker , aku LUCKYSTAR . :) the gamble , so anyone whom interested in gambling , you can angkat kaki and go 3e10 . play poker . :) haha . nat tkt dgn kucing , pekik mcm mak kau , abeh shaun kater wake up call , hahaa . oops . aku da give up uhs samee relationship . lols . hahaha . im always waiting fr his message siol . everytime . and he never fails to message . awww , thanks . so ,
- izzat
kinnda straightforward uhs , :) audy ngan die . haha . aku cair tgk senyumannn nyee . waduuh ! and boy , u make me go ooolalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . he likes red . and thanks eh you :) tak abes2 dgn pape eh , pape eh . ehh , ehh , muker die mcm mahd siket kann ? siket jer ! hahahah . da biss .
- aw aw gado
what happen nie ? mira mily , takmu gado sama itu cotender uhs . kesian uh aw aw aku . leks kay ? be strong .
- nat sama tim
alamak , da nk 7 months keeppppee ?last long ehh krg . alalallalaa
- aw aw kene kutuk
eh , eh , aw aw aku bilang , ade manusiaa ini compare2 diaa , alamak . ! aku marah , kesian aw aw aku , tak buat slh ngan kau , diam2 sudah , kalau kau suker tuu girl dgn tu boy , tk yuh bbl sama aku nyer aw aw , i dont like siaaaa . btw , tgk diri dulu , tgk sapee lagy prangaii . oke ! da
- hitsy belle
aku da tk tahu ape nk comment sal die uhs , mcm give up ehh , oke , if ure reading this ,im sorry . anything beep me . and i will reply for sure
aku da tak tahuu nakk update ape .
oke ?
take care sumeeeeeeeeeeee .
- babylove
and i love you soo bad , and i want you . and is it you boyy ? i love you . and i like you .
may refer to anyone , so hitsy , izzat , tk mu piker tuh krg oke ?! thanks eh
it may be you , it may be anyone .
takee careee ehs !
i love mira , mahd , nat , adli , AFFENDI , IZZAT , MUZAQQIR .daaa bess !
aku kene suker number 7 , psl diaa .