i remember whad i wanted tOuh say tuh him.."got to go my own way" wow. i tried saying that. but i could'nt.. and i really admire this phrase.,
"something bout us doesnt seem like these day,life keeps getting in the way.whenever we try,somehow the plan is always rearrange."im so in love wiith this song. and ader ar this phrase.im in love so much wid this phrase too"we might find a place in this world someday,but at least for now,ive got to go my way. im kinda.bored thoughh.. tk sbr nk gii terawih dgn kwn2 sayyerr. haha.. nk pki tudong keper?? im so in love wid matair.. and boii. i promised u, i wont gado2 with u if u stay like how u are today! im so happy dhat ure like dhat,, i really love it.. i love u so much.. if u change, i will change too..=p.. wan, kau lar kwn aku yg Fun.. URE my bestest frienD!! haha. larii keper?? yishun primary?? aku lari lar seii.. aku dpt 3rd!! hahahaha... aper jerr kiter duee. haha.
yerlar kau nyer high jump BAGUS SKALI!! hahaha... so Good.. tapii.. aku lagii gud arr.. hahaha...=)) wan,, hahahaha,!!!!!! kau lar mrepek skalii.. hehehe!!! aku syg dgn blood sisters aku... dgr2 main ALIpom keper? haha.. haizz.. main kejar2 atas block.. woah penartt siakk.. haha..
and nasir i promise i won't s_ _ _ e animroe.. i love you so much.. and i hug u, i dun want tuh let u go animore. i love you so much.. i love you. i need you..=))!!! syg, dont fight2 animre ars. i cannot thn seii.. i mcm,.,, sdh seii!! u dun likee dhat kay?? okaii.. i pon tk kan buat gituu lagi kay?? U can put the blame on me.!! haizz... i really am in love with you. no other guy can steal me from you and no other girl can steal youu from me,!!! i love you.. ...
okeii,, im tryin hard tuh like ur friends ,, so.. it takes time...=))