note to all. i wont be blogging.. will blog on 20/11/07!
will be busy this few weeks.
selamat kepade semua.
boyfriend jikee anda membace. sayer nk wish hapy one months. in advanced!!
kalau tk da 8 bulan LEBEHH!!
aku hidup mati syg blood.
sehati sejiwe dgn merekee.
da nk sec three taw sayee!!
soo.. tunngu lar on 20th okeii?
niesha syg u all yg membace nyerr...
link2. kamu sumerr niesha akan tukar kayyyy??
and F.Y.I
there is a guy called syah. and its not me..
ilu syah. if ure reading.
msg niesha bila2 masee jerr kay??
bs, i will show u hus syah reall soon kayy??
i love nasir ali!!!!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
arghhh part 2
"we go through thick and thin together."remember that my syg!
aku binget lar seyhh dengan SATU pompan nie!! i hate my boifriend veryy much!!it hurts ..
nasir doesnt love me like how he used too last tyme.. beloved friend?! fcuk you!!!
cintaku dipermainkan!! im not scolding you off! my hand hurts, my stomach hurts, im having a damn headache, im having fever! and u give me this kind of SHITS!!!! u went NORTHPOINT, without waiting on me! u went ! u went! u went! u went!!! gawd, i feel like slaping you ryte now!!! u make me hate guys so bad!! im starting tuh hate guys!!!all guys are the same!! after using us. they tend tuh leave us and go to another girl, FOR example my boifriend!! damn it!! I PREFER YOU BEING WITH NAMIRA LAR !!!! im SAD!!! i feel like slapping your damn idiot face hu loves tuh lie, make me cry!! u love ur friends more than u love me! god, help me. monday, 29th. a day someone like me tuh be happy about. but it seems u dun care. i love you so much, bt all u did was tuh ditch me around!! if u think treating me like this is good, then do it! ive had it! i give up!!! i really do. all i nied was love, attention from you. is that hard to fulfied? i really love you! i really want you too noe thadtt! i love you more than i love myself. ure like the onli one i love in this werld. my parents SUcks. and i just got only you. wheere can i ask for love, other than you?!! i cant blog anymore. my heart pain!! its killing me. i feel like dying!!!! god!! help me!!!
i end this post by this lyircs which i found on imeem!!
Tidakkah engkau tahu sayang bertapa ku sayang padamu
Kerna Kau Insan yang ku cinta buat selama-lamanya
Tapi disebaliknya apa yang telah kau berikan pada ku
Kasih dan sayang ku tiada
pilunya hatiku
Kini kau berubah
Kau tak seperti dulu
Mengapa sayang oh mengapa kau jadi bergini...
.Kini aku menyesal menyintaimu
Kerna cintaku dipermainkanSecukup-cukupnya...
Hampalah hatiku dengan percintaan
Kau membuatku tidak mahu
Cinta lagi sayang.....
Mengapa engkau permainkan
Cinta yang sudah kita bina
Ingin kau lepas sayang lagi
berterus terang padaku
Jgn kau menyeksai aku
Tak sanggup lagi ku menanggung
Dugaan cinta yg kau beri
Terhadap diriku...
Sakitnya hatiku
Sampainya hatimu
Kau tidak melayan diriku seperti dahulu...
Cuba kau rasakan apa yang telah ku rasa
Kini tidak kau kan menyesal dicintaku....
Kini airmata pun mula mengalir
Engkau masih belum berubah
Engkau tetap sama ..
Kini aku meminta maaf
pintu hatiku sudah tertutup
Untuk dirimu Oh sayang...
Lepaskan aku
Bebaskan aku
Pergilah sayang
Jangan kembali Lagi...
Cintaku Dipermainkan.......
nasir doesnt love me like how he used too last tyme.. beloved friend?! fcuk you!!!
cintaku dipermainkan!! im not scolding you off! my hand hurts, my stomach hurts, im having a damn headache, im having fever! and u give me this kind of SHITS!!!! u went NORTHPOINT, without waiting on me! u went ! u went! u went! u went!!! gawd, i feel like slaping you ryte now!!! u make me hate guys so bad!! im starting tuh hate guys!!!all guys are the same!! after using us. they tend tuh leave us and go to another girl, FOR example my boifriend!! damn it!! I PREFER YOU BEING WITH NAMIRA LAR !!!! im SAD!!! i feel like slapping your damn idiot face hu loves tuh lie, make me cry!! u love ur friends more than u love me! god, help me. monday, 29th. a day someone like me tuh be happy about. but it seems u dun care. i love you so much, bt all u did was tuh ditch me around!! if u think treating me like this is good, then do it! ive had it! i give up!!! i really do. all i nied was love, attention from you. is that hard to fulfied? i really love you! i really want you too noe thadtt! i love you more than i love myself. ure like the onli one i love in this werld. my parents SUcks. and i just got only you. wheere can i ask for love, other than you?!! i cant blog anymore. my heart pain!! its killing me. i feel like dying!!!! god!! help me!!!
i end this post by this lyircs which i found on imeem!!
Tidakkah engkau tahu sayang bertapa ku sayang padamu
Kerna Kau Insan yang ku cinta buat selama-lamanya
Tapi disebaliknya apa yang telah kau berikan pada ku
Kasih dan sayang ku tiada
pilunya hatiku
Kini kau berubah
Kau tak seperti dulu
Mengapa sayang oh mengapa kau jadi bergini...
.Kini aku menyesal menyintaimu
Kerna cintaku dipermainkanSecukup-cukupnya...
Hampalah hatiku dengan percintaan
Kau membuatku tidak mahu
Cinta lagi sayang.....
Mengapa engkau permainkan
Cinta yang sudah kita bina
Ingin kau lepas sayang lagi
berterus terang padaku
Jgn kau menyeksai aku
Tak sanggup lagi ku menanggung
Dugaan cinta yg kau beri
Terhadap diriku...
Sakitnya hatiku
Sampainya hatimu
Kau tidak melayan diriku seperti dahulu...
Cuba kau rasakan apa yang telah ku rasa
Kini tidak kau kan menyesal dicintaku....
Kini airmata pun mula mengalir
Engkau masih belum berubah
Engkau tetap sama ..
Kini aku meminta maaf
pintu hatiku sudah tertutup
Untuk dirimu Oh sayang...
Lepaskan aku
Bebaskan aku
Pergilah sayang
Jangan kembali Lagi...
Cintaku Dipermainkan.......
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
da lama sayer tk blog.. ader miss sayerr tark? haha.. lekk.. lekk. .. haha.. harii rayerr fun siakk..
met lots of people!! hahaha. byk boys. byk girl. . haha..
tapii i more interested into the guys larr.
handsome banget..
and gortt this guy , rasuL..
handsome.. haha.. he kept looking at me. and i kept looking at him.
BUT.but. but.but.. SAYER cumer cinter nasir jer.!!
i pay no attention tuh guys larr.
and rasul is my sdare,
i love nasir.
the key is to be patience erhh???
ehh?? mira??
ehh iwan??
ehh qam??
ehh yul??
ehh fiq??
da 5 harii he nvr talk tuh me.
so. i guess.
BESOK mau layan per?
tk nk larr.
die nk. die lyn me.
die kalau lyn. cnfirm aku lyn nyerr,
rindu sngt dgn dia larr.
haha.aku dye rambot siak.. prangaii siakk aku niee.
mcm maner if kenerr caught esokk?? mati saya!!!
harap2 besokk tk npk larr.
aku doa. dan harap!!
ya aalah.. ya tuhanku. harap2 tk npk lar rambot ku ini.
mrpekk sial aku,
i love nasir.
hm.. aku adee lar tecri2 ANAKI nyer profile.
kot2, da hilang da..
where have u been??
i miss nasir.
pictures for u people tuh see.
ni gamba sblom aku siap2.n nk gii KUBOR!!
hahahaha.dats all untokk anda sekalian..
mcm manerr besok niee??
rambot akuu niee cannot accept want!!
sayer cinter nasir ali.i love him .
i LOVE nasir!!! i LOVE NASIR!!!!!!!

thats all folkss.. hahaha
niesha nyer gambar byk kan????
met lots of people!! hahaha. byk boys. byk girl. . haha..
tapii i more interested into the guys larr.
handsome banget..
and gortt this guy , rasuL..
handsome.. haha.. he kept looking at me. and i kept looking at him.
BUT.but. but.but.. SAYER cumer cinter nasir jer.!!
i pay no attention tuh guys larr.
and rasul is my sdare,
i love nasir.
the key is to be patience erhh???
ehh?? mira??
ehh iwan??
ehh qam??
ehh yul??
ehh fiq??
da 5 harii he nvr talk tuh me.
so. i guess.
BESOK mau layan per?
tk nk larr.
die nk. die lyn me.
die kalau lyn. cnfirm aku lyn nyerr,
rindu sngt dgn dia larr.
haha.aku dye rambot siak.. prangaii siakk aku niee.
mcm maner if kenerr caught esokk?? mati saya!!!
harap2 besokk tk npk larr.
aku doa. dan harap!!
ya aalah.. ya tuhanku. harap2 tk npk lar rambot ku ini.
mrpekk sial aku,
i love nasir.
hm.. aku adee lar tecri2 ANAKI nyer profile.
kot2, da hilang da..
where have u been??
i miss nasir.
pictures for u people tuh see.
ni gamba sblom aku siap2.n nk gii KUBOR!!
hahahaha.dats all untokk anda sekalian..
mcm manerr besok niee??
rambot akuu niee cannot accept want!!
sayer cinter nasir ali.i love him .
i LOVE nasir!!! i LOVE NASIR!!!!!!!

thats all folkss.. hahaha
niesha nyer gambar byk kan????
Friday, October 12, 2007
Fcuk You
im So angry afetr looking at ANAKI's litenino PROFILE. since when his its ANAKI?? Fuck you. . this makes me mad about him.. but ppl just wont understand how i feel. onliie iwan and mira understands me. people thinks HIS not wrong, but instead...!!! arghhhh.... im so fed up widd him. is this the way how i shuld handle everything.?? he change SuddenLy, So suDden.. im DevasTed . sAd. angRy. full Of Negative. how do you expect me tuh be thinking on the positive side when all i can think of is the negative side !!!i tried tuh think about those Positives, but it seems, ure the one making me think all those negative things. Anaki? wow..
if u urself Can change, y i cant?u be gangster, i smoke.(thanks azzi for this sentence.)!
Break up?? how about dhat??!!! i cant stand it with ur new you. its seems like ure not nasir i knew.
whad happened tuh my old nasir??
i seriously think the Song, i got to go my own way is the Song i want tuh give tuh him..!!
i thought this second patch will change ..
it did change, but its much more painful. i cant bear the pain.!!
monday, i gave you a alst chance, and im thinking of Reconsider it!
if i have to. i Willl Ask for a break.
i cant stand it....
i think imran is better off than you.
its the fact.
u dun seem tuh relate well with me!!
if u want this relationship to stay,
CHANGE, dhats all i want tuh ask from u, is that hard??
i really love you.
but if things are like this.
we shud betterr of break.
u go ur way,
i go my way
when u let me go,
u want tuh smoke.u want tuh drink. be a gangster, rembat people.get beaten up, lepak wif ur friends EVERYDAy,wear ur Cardigan(btw, i cant resist GUYS wearing cardigans because thay look like JERKS).wear ur hat,ur sense of fashion like MAT Rep,u want tuh Show off dhat ure a gangsater or whatever it is, i dun care.
ive had enough of ur shits.
and now its my turn tuh give you shits.!!!
i dun want tuh fite.
but it seems u wanted too.
and today. if i dun get ur calls.
dont u even thiink of asking me to call you nor lyn u.
we treat each other as Enemies.
i dun mind losing you cause i noe, this may be the right choice.
sticking wif u is like sticking someone hu has Dirt all over.
i dun wish tuh noe any one hu is a gangster or whad.
im not ngade2 here.
but i really dont like.
i still remember one time when someeone told u tuh join their....
then u askes me,
and i didnt even lyn u for about a week!
so if u think want dhat. CONTINUE tuh be like dhat!
and 2 years tk jumper, then skali2 jumper.
are u speaking sense wif me???
i dun mind u lepak. but u noe ur limits ar!!!
i hate it siak u like this.
i fell like slapping you,
but i noe
it will make the matter worst
i wont layan you ..
if u want it dhat way
i will talk tuh again once ,,
i see u CHANGE.
and if u want tuh streesed tuh me about changing.
u must change first
your changes takes a lot of things.
i frankly like you be wif ur SOCCEr friends and FReda and all instead of this friends,
im sorry nasir..
i hate you.
the new you!!!
ANAKI huh??
i want nasir onliee.
not anaki or whadever fuck it is!!
im sorrie . but i have to say it,
i cant.. take it anymore.
ur last chance,
still there.
but by a minor mistake,
its no longer there..
i swear tuh myslef.
tuhday is on the friday 12.10.07.(14:04 pm)
if u did not call me tuhday, i wont talk tuh u ever!!!!
bye nasir.
i hope u change.
i will love you always.
if u urself Can change, y i cant?u be gangster, i smoke.(thanks azzi for this sentence.)!
Break up?? how about dhat??!!! i cant stand it with ur new you. its seems like ure not nasir i knew.
whad happened tuh my old nasir??
i seriously think the Song, i got to go my own way is the Song i want tuh give tuh him..!!
i thought this second patch will change ..
it did change, but its much more painful. i cant bear the pain.!!
monday, i gave you a alst chance, and im thinking of Reconsider it!
if i have to. i Willl Ask for a break.
i cant stand it....
i think imran is better off than you.
its the fact.
u dun seem tuh relate well with me!!
if u want this relationship to stay,
CHANGE, dhats all i want tuh ask from u, is that hard??
i really love you.
but if things are like this.
we shud betterr of break.
u go ur way,
i go my way
when u let me go,
u want tuh smoke.u want tuh drink. be a gangster, rembat people.get beaten up, lepak wif ur friends EVERYDAy,wear ur Cardigan(btw, i cant resist GUYS wearing cardigans because thay look like JERKS).wear ur hat,ur sense of fashion like MAT Rep,u want tuh Show off dhat ure a gangsater or whatever it is, i dun care.
ive had enough of ur shits.
and now its my turn tuh give you shits.!!!
i dun want tuh fite.
but it seems u wanted too.
and today. if i dun get ur calls.
dont u even thiink of asking me to call you nor lyn u.
we treat each other as Enemies.
i dun mind losing you cause i noe, this may be the right choice.
sticking wif u is like sticking someone hu has Dirt all over.
i dun wish tuh noe any one hu is a gangster or whad.
im not ngade2 here.
but i really dont like.
i still remember one time when someeone told u tuh join their....
then u askes me,
and i didnt even lyn u for about a week!
so if u think want dhat. CONTINUE tuh be like dhat!
and 2 years tk jumper, then skali2 jumper.
are u speaking sense wif me???
i dun mind u lepak. but u noe ur limits ar!!!
i hate it siak u like this.
i fell like slapping you,
but i noe
it will make the matter worst
i wont layan you ..
if u want it dhat way
i will talk tuh again once ,,
i see u CHANGE.
and if u want tuh streesed tuh me about changing.
u must change first
your changes takes a lot of things.
i frankly like you be wif ur SOCCEr friends and FReda and all instead of this friends,
im sorry nasir..
i hate you.
the new you!!!
ANAKI huh??
i want nasir onliee.
not anaki or whadever fuck it is!!
im sorrie . but i have to say it,
i cant.. take it anymore.
ur last chance,
still there.
but by a minor mistake,
its no longer there..
i swear tuh myslef.
tuhday is on the friday 12.10.07.(14:04 pm)
if u did not call me tuhday, i wont talk tuh u ever!!!!
bye nasir.
i hope u change.
i will love you always.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
got to go my own way
oh hei yarr. everyone.. sorryy mira aku update before Friday ars! ahaha..binget seyhh caannot bukak Friendster! wdh!! tadii buat art exam. and it was cool. haha. manage tuh do everything in 2 hrs. and it was like kindaa kecoh ar.. Instructions not clear! haha...=p! im not talking tuh imran,..=P ive promised nasir dhat. and i guess whad?? i truly love him. i love him so much!!
i remember whad i wanted tOuh say tuh him.."got to go my own way" wow. i tried saying that. but i could'nt.. and i really admire this phrase.,
"something bout us doesnt seem like these day,life keeps getting in the way.whenever we try,somehow the plan is always rearrange."im so in love wiith this song. and ader ar this in love so much wid this phrase too"we might find a place in this world someday,but at least for now,ive got to go my way. im kinda.bored thoughh.. tk sbr nk gii terawih dgn kwn2 sayyerr. haha.. nk pki tudong keper?? im so in love wid matair.. and boii. i promised u, i wont gado2 with u if u stay like how u are today! im so happy dhat ure like dhat,, i really love it.. i love u so much.. if u change, i will change too..=p.. wan, kau lar kwn aku yg Fun.. URE my bestest frienD!! haha. larii keper?? yishun primary?? aku lari lar seii.. aku dpt 3rd!! hahahaha... aper jerr kiter duee. haha.
yerlar kau nyer high jump BAGUS SKALI!! hahaha... so Good.. tapii.. aku lagii gud arr.. hahaha...=)) wan,, hahahaha,!!!!!! kau lar mrepek skalii.. hehehe!!! aku syg dgn blood sisters aku... dgr2 main ALIpom keper? haha.. haizz.. main kejar2 atas block.. woah penartt siakk.. haha..
and nasir i promise i won't s_ _ _ e animroe.. i love you so much.. and i hug u, i dun want tuh let u go animore. i love you so much.. i love you. i need you..=))!!! syg, dont fight2 animre ars. i cannot thn seii.. i mcm,.,, sdh seii!! u dun likee dhat kay?? okaii.. i pon tk kan buat gituu lagi kay?? U can put the blame on me.!! haizz... i really am in love with you. no other guy can steal me from you and no other girl can steal youu from me,!!! i love you.. ...
okeii,, im tryin hard tuh like ur friends ,, so.. it takes time...=))
i remember whad i wanted tOuh say tuh him.."got to go my own way" wow. i tried saying that. but i could'nt.. and i really admire this phrase.,
"something bout us doesnt seem like these day,life keeps getting in the way.whenever we try,somehow the plan is always rearrange."im so in love wiith this song. and ader ar this in love so much wid this phrase too"we might find a place in this world someday,but at least for now,ive got to go my way. im kinda.bored thoughh.. tk sbr nk gii terawih dgn kwn2 sayyerr. haha.. nk pki tudong keper?? im so in love wid matair.. and boii. i promised u, i wont gado2 with u if u stay like how u are today! im so happy dhat ure like dhat,, i really love it.. i love u so much.. if u change, i will change too..=p.. wan, kau lar kwn aku yg Fun.. URE my bestest frienD!! haha. larii keper?? yishun primary?? aku lari lar seii.. aku dpt 3rd!! hahahaha... aper jerr kiter duee. haha.
yerlar kau nyer high jump BAGUS SKALI!! hahaha... so Good.. tapii.. aku lagii gud arr.. hahaha...=)) wan,, hahahaha,!!!!!! kau lar mrepek skalii.. hehehe!!! aku syg dgn blood sisters aku... dgr2 main ALIpom keper? haha.. haizz.. main kejar2 atas block.. woah penartt siakk.. haha..
and nasir i promise i won't s_ _ _ e animroe.. i love you so much.. and i hug u, i dun want tuh let u go animore. i love you so much.. i love you. i need you..=))!!! syg, dont fight2 animre ars. i cannot thn seii.. i mcm,.,, sdh seii!! u dun likee dhat kay?? okaii.. i pon tk kan buat gituu lagi kay?? U can put the blame on me.!! haizz... i really am in love with you. no other guy can steal me from you and no other girl can steal youu from me,!!! i love you.. ...
okeii,, im tryin hard tuh like ur friends ,, so.. it takes time...=))

Friday, October 5, 2007
aku nk update blog akuu. haha. i love my boifriend. haha. i love my soft toys too.. niee gamba yg combined! haha, adek3 nyer and me..
...hahahha.. bykk kan?? yg nie baruu niesha nyerrk,
aderr dua baby bugs bunny lar seii.. sayer nk belii byk2. haha. padahall bukan sayer yg beli taw, org yg beli kan.. nasir, im supoosed tuh BLOG what im suposed tuhh..
u nk tk i blog??
no lar i wont. i love you. haha.
tgk gambar ia.. cute kann?
buat aper jer dier tuhh. cute lar seii!! i love him..
da lamer sayer tk lpk dgn blood. haha.
monday, rght after test, sayer hendak pulang rumah.. i dunooe y, but i have the urge too..
sorrie kwn2 yg hendak melepak dgn sayerr,
hahhaa...sayerr ngakk bolehh..
nisa mrpek,
MATH PAPER mcm,, Fcukk!!
aku confirm faill!
math paper 2 is hard than one.
and ppl are like,,
math paper 2 is easierr then math paper one!!
bdh ker aperr seii??
i hope i did my grpah welll.
i want tuh pass my MATH,,
and im hoping tuuhhh.....
pass lit,geog,malay,eng,history, art,
i nieed tuh study.
practice makes everything perfect,,
i love NAsir,
i love my boifriend.
i miss him.
his cardigan ade dkt sayerr,
kepp it well ar seii...
gonna call u soon,..
do check on my friendsterr,
i update pictureess
and i cant resist thiss picturee..
it looks sooo

niesha harts nasir,
art cm nerr seii??
sayerrr nk kene buat kan nasir largyy.
nasir buullyy sayer!!
not fair at all!!
im done blogging
and NASIR,,
im giving a chance by not Putiinng.
so ts 113-101!! im 113 kayy??
toodles syg.
i love you.

u nk tk i blog??
no lar i wont. i love you. haha.
tgk gambar ia.. cute kann?

da lamer sayer tk lpk dgn blood. haha.
monday, rght after test, sayer hendak pulang rumah.. i dunooe y, but i have the urge too..
sorrie kwn2 yg hendak melepak dgn sayerr,
hahhaa...sayerr ngakk bolehh..
nisa mrpek,
MATH PAPER mcm,, Fcukk!!
aku confirm faill!
math paper 2 is hard than one.
and ppl are like,,
math paper 2 is easierr then math paper one!!
bdh ker aperr seii??
i hope i did my grpah welll.
i want tuh pass my MATH,,
and im hoping tuuhhh.....
pass lit,geog,malay,eng,history, art,
i nieed tuh study.
practice makes everything perfect,,
i love NAsir,
i love my boifriend.
i miss him.
his cardigan ade dkt sayerr,
kepp it well ar seii...
gonna call u soon,..
do check on my friendsterr,
i update pictureess
and i cant resist thiss picturee..
it looks sooo

niesha harts nasir,
art cm nerr seii??
sayerrr nk kene buat kan nasir largyy.
nasir buullyy sayer!!
not fair at all!!
im done blogging
and NASIR,,
im giving a chance by not Putiinng.
so ts 113-101!! im 113 kayy??
toodles syg.
i love you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
cute lar seii die
akoo cute mcm Torres. kan?kan? i noee. haha. tuhmoroe, malay paper. haizz.. harap i do well. must CONCETRATE!! i love malay paper now!!haha... torres is so cute. hahaha.. no wonder nasir like him so much .. haha.. i was browsing truhh the net and saw this cute picture of him . and i kinnda like it..thankss Sdareku!! i love you ! so its nisa torres lar seii. adek bradek kepaderr torres! 
haha.. da nisa.. CUKOP!!! haha.. i got my handphone back!! yay! finally siakss!! im so happy siakk!! haha.. so u people can keep Msging me.. BUT, nk msg.. ckp ler hi ker aperr dulu kay?? syg kamu sumerr.
going truhh iwan profile. haa.. his pictures.. cute..
mia profile..simplyy CUTEENEsss.
amira?? alamakk! sway! tgk profile diee.. comp jam! cibai!
so how is amira and faizal?
haha. drg duer cute lar seiiy!
aku beli clip bru taw!!
mcm aiskrim.
and bought archie cmics!
im totally in love wid archie comics.
and i kept craving on THE baby bugs bunny + the cute little spongebob soft toys! haha(minitoons at wudlands)
those nice red darling wooshy Roses at this shop in yishun.. (itss.. PREETY)
can i have a bugs bunny for rayer?? haha..
spongebob is very cutee,
i dunooe y.
so im craving on spongebob files,pencil,colour pencil,clips!!
sayer nk kene pergiie.
i love nasir ali bin mohamed ali alot2.
kiter syg die..!!!

haha.. da nisa.. CUKOP!!! haha.. i got my handphone back!! yay! finally siakss!! im so happy siakk!! haha.. so u people can keep Msging me.. BUT, nk msg.. ckp ler hi ker aperr dulu kay?? syg kamu sumerr.
going truhh iwan profile. haa.. his pictures.. cute..
mia profile..simplyy CUTEENEsss.
amira?? alamakk! sway! tgk profile diee.. comp jam! cibai!
so how is amira and faizal?
haha. drg duer cute lar seiiy!
aku beli clip bru taw!!
mcm aiskrim.
and bought archie cmics!
im totally in love wid archie comics.
and i kept craving on THE baby bugs bunny + the cute little spongebob soft toys! haha(minitoons at wudlands)
those nice red darling wooshy Roses at this shop in yishun.. (itss.. PREETY)
can i have a bugs bunny for rayer?? haha..
spongebob is very cutee,
i dunooe y.
so im craving on spongebob files,pencil,colour pencil,clips!!
sayer nk kene pergiie.
i love nasir ali bin mohamed ali alot2.
kiter syg die..!!!
a sin
sorie lar seii kepde ?????! haizz. imran bkn yg tag. yg tag tuh nisa lar. nisa.sumpah demi allah. nisa tk bedek,im sorrie.. i shud have done that. seriously, haizz.... aku nk step prasaan larr. im soriee. ... but if imran say im cute, tk kan tk boleii?? haiz.. kwn kan.. tk slh lar..kan??kn?? haiz.. kiterr cumer SYG nasir lar.. i love nasir. i love nasir.. i love nasir,i love nasir!!!!!!! haha.. okeii??
soriiee psl tagbox sayer.
soriiee psl tagbox sayer.
having it lessons is the best.. not doing anything.. just slack and slack.. have our music video taken was fun. and.. we had nearly 4 hrs FREE period.. can u believe that?? amira is beside me is figuring her passwerd.. so what is itt?? she is giving up hope.!! nk pergii friendsterrrr,,,,=))! haha. gilerr perhh anarkk. hahahas. i miss boifriend.. boifriendd i miss youu..

hmm... later going np.. buying FILEs. haha. me and hajar lar seii.
and it musnt be a SPONGEBOB type of file!

haha.. i hate spongebob!! hahaha... i love tuh kacau dat idiot faizal. haha.. he will be likee.. "bastard siak kau nisa" haha..guess wad?? nasir and faizal say me and amira are their spare tyres! wtf!! and amira stead wif haizair tuhday!. on 10.16 am. in class somemree.. haziair was quite blurr but surelly he's happy.kan?? kan?? kan?/ haha... haizair is sitting beside me.. reading what im posting.. and!!! he is so cUTE!!
just like me.. im so cute kan???? zair loves amira!!!! and amira loves zair too! yay!!!!!
today... it was fun lar seiii.... hahahahhahahaha!! pandaii seiii miraaaa... yay!(:
mira and haizair.
Date: 2.10.07
Time: 10:16:00 AM.
venue: classroom.
attire: uniform.
Witness: Nisa and Imran. and, some of our classmates.

hmm... later going np.. buying FILEs. haha. me and hajar lar seii.
and it musnt be a SPONGEBOB type of file!

haha.. i hate spongebob!! hahaha... i love tuh kacau dat idiot faizal. haha.. he will be likee.. "bastard siak kau nisa" haha..guess wad?? nasir and faizal say me and amira are their spare tyres! wtf!! and amira stead wif haizair tuhday!. on 10.16 am. in class somemree.. haziair was quite blurr but surelly he's happy.kan?? kan?? kan?/ haha... haizair is sitting beside me.. reading what im posting.. and!!! he is so cUTE!!
just like me.. im so cute kan???? zair loves amira!!!! and amira loves zair too! yay!!!!!
today... it was fun lar seiii.... hahahahhahahaha!! pandaii seiii miraaaa... yay!(:
mira and haizair.
Date: 2.10.07
Time: 10:16:00 AM.
venue: classroom.
attire: uniform.
Witness: Nisa and Imran. and, some of our classmates.
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