Tuesday, April 3, 2007


its surprising.everyday MUST ryte blog..hahas.

im soo happY cuzz i GET 5th!!hahas.14.49.its like a huge success.all my penat has paid oFF!
no more slacking back AnimoRe..must smanGaT!i beat HERR!!at last. she say she can run 10 mins!? 10 mins? ngan her fat bodY?!!hahas. tk boleh.at last 16.03 MInutEss...!!padan muker dia!!hahas.!!!wakakakakaakakakakaka....okay..dat day,We and our familY and aLL.pi main bowling aT safra yishunn.hahas.FUN.
dEn i and azlan we dance tuh the calabria SONG(played at the alley)

fun SEhh