Tuesday, November 27, 2007
okay, whatever ur name is,
i dun even care .
i wont steal anyones bf .
hu wants?
and i make ur friend broke up?
hu sia?
i dun
evenn caree lurhh seyhh.
matair kau saper?!!
aku mls nk gado2 nie sume
aku cumer nk tahu
kau saper.
i dun even care .
i wont steal anyones bf .
hu wants?
and i make ur friend broke up?
hu sia?
i dun
evenn caree lurhh seyhh.
matair kau saper?!!
aku mls nk gado2 nie sume
aku cumer nk tahu
kau saper.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
fiq, tertunngu tk for me tuh update blog?hahas. i noe, im popularr.
mira misses the FAIZAL. talking about zal, those girls dare tuh take zal, im gonna kill u all okeyy?!! zal belongs tuh mira, not u girls! undestand?!!
ive been seeing 138, 813 .!!
and deal or no deal, FIONA XIE ,
13 1 8, meaning 13 want 8!
fuck off tuh the girl
condition is not okayy
tuhday talk till 5 am?
zair, u rock babeh!
mini melts.
and mira
memory card tk lehh kepe?
pdn muker kau!
aku ketawee!1
mcm MONYET bpk aku
tk sbr ars nk kol kau
thats all
i love SYAFIQ.
and ..
i miss you **m,
mira u know kann?
zal, mira misses you.
besokk drg alikk
nas, imu too
niesha bgS!
mira misses the FAIZAL. talking about zal, those girls dare tuh take zal, im gonna kill u all okeyy?!! zal belongs tuh mira, not u girls! undestand?!!
ive been seeing 138, 813 .!!
and deal or no deal, FIONA XIE ,
13 1 8, meaning 13 want 8!
fuck off tuh the girl
condition is not okayy
tuhday talk till 5 am?
zair, u rock babeh!
mini melts.
and mira
memory card tk lehh kepe?
pdn muker kau!
aku ketawee!1
mcm MONYET bpk aku
tk sbr ars nk kol kau
thats all
i love SYAFIQ.
and ..
i miss you **m,
mira u know kann?
zal, mira misses you.
besokk drg alikk
nas, imu too
niesha bgS!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
a real strange guy. hmm. hes like wow.. suddenly chatt with me and give me inspirational talks. hmm..hu culd this guy be?? his strange, its like he kwne me deep down whereas i dunt even noe him.
i gtg.
but i seriously will remmeber ths,
*** MSN COUNSELOR *** says:
(playing sports is abt WINNING, there no use playing sports without any acHievement.. mesti aim for GOLD k) dun waste ur energy if u dun hav the passion k
*** MSN COUNSELOR *** says:
hope playing soccer wit u
his a guyy. okayy??
i gtg.
but i seriously will remmeber ths,
*** MSN COUNSELOR *** says:
(playing sports is abt WINNING, there no use playing sports without any acHievement.. mesti aim for GOLD k) dun waste ur energy if u dun hav the passion k
*** MSN COUNSELOR *** says:
hope playing soccer wit u
his a guyy. okayy??
Monday, November 12, 2007
yishun bagus!!!!!!! 3-1!!
mia play left mid, hajar right mid, me center mid. fuhyooh. penat lar seyhh.mia, lagii siket mau score. wasted.
my lips,
kene tendang oleh ball. kimekk. sakitt siak.
tapi endure.
aku tk abis2 jatuh.ni arr.haha. mia kene tumbok.haha.
itu jer nk di blog kan!!
mrepek kan?
i know.
mira dont blame me.
i dont ask zair tuh love me at all.
its him
i dont love him
u can ask him
imm sorri
i dunt want tuh fite with u just because of a guy!
mia play left mid, hajar right mid, me center mid. fuhyooh. penat lar seyhh.mia, lagii siket mau score. wasted.
my lips,
kene tendang oleh ball. kimekk. sakitt siak.
tapi endure.
aku tk abis2 jatuh.ni arr.haha. mia kene tumbok.haha.
itu jer nk di blog kan!!
mrepek kan?
i know.
mira dont blame me.
i dont ask zair tuh love me at all.
its him
i dont love him
u can ask him
imm sorri
i dunt want tuh fite with u just because of a guy!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
town was... sesak. haha. we didnt went town. we just like go into BRANDED shops and left. giler kan kiter semua? i know. tk ya ckp. haha.
yg pergi:natasha,niesha,nazihah,nabil,farez,azlan. kecohliciouss. hhaa.
we then went vivo, eat!natasha, u are one idiot bitch! haha. kasii aku ketawe mcm gile.nat and farez are laughing gas!haha. GILERR peh drg. but fun lar. i cant stand it when ader org mcm ,, tsktsktsk tuh us,
and farez was like.
chekchekchek.and we shout and laugh like mad!we are totally crazy as ever.
farez,satu hari tk ketawe tk le??
had much fun.eat and eat and eat.
the best part was when nat make those silly BB,BP,kP,Tp,!!
u no nied tuh noe whads thad ..
its kinnda horny and mrepek.
we laugh like hell.
saw wali and friends.
nabil was, pendiam. he shuld have talk more.
and syg, u shudd be like GILAA!! haha.
and sorrie i ajak u kelua when ure penat.
veryy sorrie.
haha. draw per match?
thads hot.
ive uploaded pictures for u too see.
and its wonderful
i had a great time.
hope nabil too had a great time,
ure cute my dear.
and monday,nk ikot me go match?
**note, this is for nabil.haha.
and tues, follow me, go school see my friends match.
oryte syg?
im crazy as ever. i know.
nat wants me tuh update
giler pehh anak.
aku tunngu gambarr nk upload nie
veryrryyyyyryryryryr SLOWWWWW!!!

niesha ALONE

when giler meets

when it leads tuh BOREDOM

gorgeous pic. ilove pic.

azlan siol

Dont think were a faggoT!

i love him

nat tkder. nat extra

ilove this PICTURE!!


natasha SPOIL the pic!! idiot her!!!!!!
okeii.ive update,
tag kayy
nabil. stop it kayy?
dont be mad.
yg pergi:natasha,niesha,nazihah,nabil,farez,azlan. kecohliciouss. hhaa.
we then went vivo, eat!natasha, u are one idiot bitch! haha. kasii aku ketawe mcm gile.nat and farez are laughing gas!haha. GILERR peh drg. but fun lar. i cant stand it when ader org mcm ,, tsktsktsk tuh us,
and farez was like.
chekchekchek.and we shout and laugh like mad!we are totally crazy as ever.
farez,satu hari tk ketawe tk le??
had much fun.eat and eat and eat.
the best part was when nat make those silly BB,BP,kP,Tp,!!
u no nied tuh noe whads thad ..
its kinnda horny and mrepek.
we laugh like hell.
saw wali and friends.
nabil was, pendiam. he shuld have talk more.
and syg, u shudd be like GILAA!! haha.
and sorrie i ajak u kelua when ure penat.
veryy sorrie.
haha. draw per match?
thads hot.
ive uploaded pictures for u too see.
and its wonderful
i had a great time.
hope nabil too had a great time,
ure cute my dear.
and monday,nk ikot me go match?
**note, this is for nabil.haha.
and tues, follow me, go school see my friends match.
oryte syg?
im crazy as ever. i know.
nat wants me tuh update
giler pehh anak.
aku tunngu gambarr nk upload nie
veryrryyyyyryryryryr SLOWWWWW!!!

niesha ALONE

when giler meets

when it leads tuh BOREDOM

gorgeous pic. ilove pic.

azlan siol

Dont think were a faggoT!

i love him

nat tkder. nat extra

ilove this PICTURE!!


natasha SPOIL the pic!! idiot her!!!!!!
okeii.ive update,
tag kayy
nabil. stop it kayy?
dont be mad.
Friday, November 9, 2007
i had fun

its fun lar seyh. keluar dengan nabil.


isnt him just cute?
hello. nabil, i noe u willl be reading this.
one thing first,
u make me smile.like theres no tommorow.
that was the best day i ever had.thanks.
tk sabar nk keluar lagi besok.
ure great nabil!!
ure damn cute.
damnnn cute!!
alright, ive got to go.
nabil, if ure reading
ure cute.
Thursday, November 8, 2007

Niesha in SPecs.


Niesha in orange
nabil, ive upload pictures for you.
my life is getting great.
thanks haizair,natasha,hajar,mia,faizal,iwan,nami,ilias,yun.baz,gendut,tim and
those boys galore at friendster.
i love my friends too much.
and haizair its never too young tuh do thingss.
by golly.
thanks everyone.
its like EVERYDAY
yet,im hurting ddep down inside, cause i know,
in my heart, its only for a guy.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
fuck you
wow. so now blood brothers are blaming us SB . good.hey, its ur fault tuh layan us and such!
fcuk you.kau asl yul?? ohh.. gara2 blood sisters krg jadi ni mcm.,.. kire2 blood sisers nyer salah ar nie??!! piker style ar... eyhh.. jangan main hembus jer ar. piker style per tudoh blood sister ni mcm? bagus ar.. bagus skali. krg pon aper kurangnyer, siket gado.siket2 benci each other.siket2 nk attract attention. APER aku nk kater kan erhh,, krg nni mrepek. not all lar.. kalau kau nk sngt kau gi umah zal, pergi jer ar.. aku sikett pon tk der heran ar.. kau prangai jgn cm mrpek ar.. i hate nasir.mia hate iwan. eyh, jgn slh kan qam psl ni sumer ar. qam tk buat slh. yg slh tuh. asl wan kener ikut pikiran die. die yg nk brk ngn mia. bukan skli jer taw wan ckp tuh mcm. die ckp da byk kali taw!! asl ar dgn blood brothers skrg? tuh psl kiter da tk nk ader blood sisters. lagi baik tukar name kan? i damn hate nasir. and i damn hate guys! yup. thats the truth, i hate guys. i hate them all. except for zair,syah,bil and OF course faizal. the rest aree.... haizz..
all the same lar...
skrg da tk de bs.bb boleh cri bs yg bru,
maybe matair bru nasir?kwn2 pompan yg bb ader?
we dun care.
we dun give a mighty damn!
im msging yul in a few minutes tuh solve things out!
i cant stand it if ppl just tudohh us all anyhow!
fuck tuh those hu hates BLOOD sisters.
and there is no more bloodsisters.
it Sb/
damn it!!
i love mira.
i love nami.
i love mia.
i love hajar.
i love haizair.
i love nabil.
and i still do love bloods no matter how i hated them,
all those memories we shared tuhgether will always bein my head.
i really wan tuh say sorry if ive done anything tuh bloods.that may cause any fights tuh happened,
i will treasure those memories deep down.
how bloods have been there for me when i need them ...
how bloods have given me the meaning of friendship.
i will treasure them like always.
last but not least.
i had fun with BLOODs.
i still love my bloods.
fcuk you.kau asl yul?? ohh.. gara2 blood sisters krg jadi ni mcm.,.. kire2 blood sisers nyer salah ar nie??!! piker style ar... eyhh.. jangan main hembus jer ar. piker style per tudoh blood sister ni mcm? bagus ar.. bagus skali. krg pon aper kurangnyer, siket gado.siket2 benci each other.siket2 nk attract attention. APER aku nk kater kan erhh,, krg nni mrepek. not all lar.. kalau kau nk sngt kau gi umah zal, pergi jer ar.. aku sikett pon tk der heran ar.. kau prangai jgn cm mrpek ar.. i hate nasir.mia hate iwan. eyh, jgn slh kan qam psl ni sumer ar. qam tk buat slh. yg slh tuh. asl wan kener ikut pikiran die. die yg nk brk ngn mia. bukan skli jer taw wan ckp tuh mcm. die ckp da byk kali taw!! asl ar dgn blood brothers skrg? tuh psl kiter da tk nk ader blood sisters. lagi baik tukar name kan? i damn hate nasir. and i damn hate guys! yup. thats the truth, i hate guys. i hate them all. except for zair,syah,bil and OF course faizal. the rest aree.... haizz..
all the same lar...
skrg da tk de bs.bb boleh cri bs yg bru,
maybe matair bru nasir?kwn2 pompan yg bb ader?
we dun care.
we dun give a mighty damn!
im msging yul in a few minutes tuh solve things out!
i cant stand it if ppl just tudohh us all anyhow!
fuck tuh those hu hates BLOOD sisters.
and there is no more bloodsisters.
it Sb/
damn it!!
i love mira.
i love nami.
i love mia.
i love hajar.
i love haizair.
i love nabil.
and i still do love bloods no matter how i hated them,
all those memories we shared tuhgether will always bein my head.
i really wan tuh say sorry if ive done anything tuh bloods.that may cause any fights tuh happened,
i will treasure those memories deep down.
how bloods have been there for me when i need them ...
how bloods have given me the meaning of friendship.
i will treasure them like always.
last but not least.
i had fun with BLOODs.
i still love my bloods.
Monday, November 5, 2007
oh hello.
i hate nasir.
nasir love shikin!
no more nasir in my heart.
bye2 idiot!!!
nabil is great.
i hate nasir.
nasir love shikin!
no more nasir in my heart.
bye2 idiot!!!
nabil is great.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
helo. im sad. devasted!!
im waiting on you., and im gonna try my best tuhh win u back.
i love onlly you.
and only haizair knows that!!
im sorriee nasir.im sorry.
monday will be explaination day
and i can hardly wait!!!
i will foreverrr love nasir
because i simply love him.
im waiting on you., and im gonna try my best tuhh win u back.
i love onlly you.
and only haizair knows that!!
im sorriee nasir.im sorry.
monday will be explaination day
and i can hardly wait!!!
i will foreverrr love nasir
because i simply love him.
whad im writing ryte now is the truth. i did not kiss qam . and i sleep in his room got taufiq, and mahd!!
i merely sleep on qam's shoulder .. and thatdss it. not muchh... can all of u please trust your own blood. i did not sleep in qam's bed!!!
PLEASE lar!!
i pelok his hand, not hug his whole body!!!!!!!!!!!!!
his mia's/
y shuld i steal ??
i belong tuh nas.
and i will always wait for u nas,
i will surely stay single this time.
i will gain back ur love.
but if ure thinking of considering freda.
if ure happy, im happy too.
but i just want you to noe,,
i will always love u , wait on you.
no matter how long it takes!!
blood, trust me!!!
i niid my blood trust!!
i merely sleep on qam's shoulder .. and thatdss it. not muchh... can all of u please trust your own blood. i did not sleep in qam's bed!!!
PLEASE lar!!
i pelok his hand, not hug his whole body!!!!!!!!!!!!!
his mia's/
y shuld i steal ??
i belong tuh nas.
and i will always wait for u nas,
i will surely stay single this time.
i will gain back ur love.
but if ure thinking of considering freda.
if ure happy, im happy too.
but i just want you to noe,,
i will always love u , wait on you.
no matter how long it takes!!
blood, trust me!!!
i niid my blood trust!!
Friday, November 2, 2007
yay! aku bleii update seyhh!
alhamdulilah, aku blehh update nie blog. comp da diperbaiki and im free ryte now. haha.. there will be a soccer match later which i most probably wont go, im sick ryte now. and i feel likee.. woweee.. mcm highh.can i dont be sick? by the way, i love haizair, my veryy gila Bestfriend. btol tak zair? haha. ive been talking english since i went indonesia and i thinkk im best in talking english lar. melayu ader siket2 bagus jer. who will exactly wear qam's boot? mia la i guess. qam loves mia alot. haha, im darn love my boifriend but he didnt care at all. whad for kan?? bila org da tk suka, jgn prasaan. haha. so, im trying tuh live life without him and its sure gonna be hard,leaving someone u love is.. wow.. haha.. but loving someone hu doest love u is muchh.. painful? maybe.. kan?? btol takk aper sayer nk ckp kan??ilove you so much yet u did this to me. love and life is unfair to me. y cant they just see me happy?! hmmss...
lets not brag about things i wanted tuh nag about. indonesia trip was totally a hit! haha. ive had much fun there. much as in VERYY fun! shopping craze. it was fun. haha. Its darn shoppiingly crazy like wow!i bought shirts, necklace, printed tees. it was sensational. but whad i treasured most was the gift from someone tuh me.it was like .. WOW.necklace. i bought him rings and such. and i even polish my darn nails.thanks tuh hidayu hu loves ZAMIR. or crush on zamir. they're iindeed cute larr. haha. i didnt even sleep on my katil/room. i slept in taufiq's and qam's room. we Ton. we slept just like 1 hrs then woke up to teach indo students. and got one guyy, indo kid .ridduan. he was 13. he likes me. and he tried grabbing my attention .. aper jer diee.haha. not cute at all. but i particularly like Egi. he caught my attention. but he was 11. hu wants a 11 year old kid. im older kan? my pri six class was the best, the most boring part, we spent most of our tyme in the bus rather than walking or sightseing. and i hate Shopping period. damn, they give us 30 mins tuh shop and 2hrs tuh shop.and it was likee. not enuf for us all. Food was yucky. its like they're giving food tuh dogs and cats. The teachers were unfair. they ate better stuff then us. and dun everr order a tea when ure in INDONESIA!! it taste like.. urgghh.. we didnt drink them. instead all of us chose mineral water. and its the best, i sat with qam the whole time in the bus. Fiq sat wif Mad.(mahyuddin) drg dua prasaan sleeq and my job was... Sleeq feat nisa cutiie. and they will be like.. no contract. when fiq gets tired, he would always say, aku penat tadi nyanyi/training, da tk ade suare, haha. and he will always say the werd "feng shui" haha. did i spelt it right?i dunnoe. whad he mean was "SWAY" haha.=)) mr.hasrin group was the best. u cant deny it. haha. alex, Solo man. perfomance day, we totally roarfed everthinng. alex was the only one. haha. we were suppose tuh sing "ive got peace like the river in my soul" and we sang. but the last part, we must hit it with a bang! like as in. put our hand up in the air and say SOUL out loud. and he was the onlyy one hu did that. we all damn forget about thad step! and he was embarrased on stage, haha. people look at him all weird up. doing things by his own. and they show my class music video whichh was great, haha. princess nisa always get bully. it was. RAd.!!but it was sad. good tymes must end. and i didnt sleep for like 3 days! haha.qam sleep cute.fiq and him.. over slept on the last day and everyone was panic! haha. drg sajer and mukerr slumber . they acted like ntg happen. gila kan they all? haha.aeroplane. haha. kepale bleii sakit dey. FOod in plane wass better than the food they give us.i sat wif mad and alex upon leving for indonesia and going back tuh singapore i sat wif hafiz 2e7 and jasmine sec 3!!we went taman mini and saw this monkey, he was cute!*note, its a real monkey, and he looks exactly like yunizar.everyone was going gogoo over the monkey. he was cute taw! haha.the teachers were great, they're not too strict tuh us and it was GREAT. haha... Can i go INDONESIA AGAIN?!! hahaha..i love 2e8! i love my bloods too. haizair missed me. i miss him too.. msg nasir the first thing i landed here, and he didnt even repply. He loves freda. whad more tuh blog?? hmm..
i cant remember well..
Ruler are loves.
btol tarkk haizair?
one day keluar ngan me kayy bf !!
i love RuLer.
kini sleeq ada di sini,
besama nisa yg cutie..
those hu went will understand,
till then .. adios amigos nisa Too bagus.
lets not brag about things i wanted tuh nag about. indonesia trip was totally a hit! haha. ive had much fun there. much as in VERYY fun! shopping craze. it was fun. haha. Its darn shoppiingly crazy like wow!i bought shirts, necklace, printed tees. it was sensational. but whad i treasured most was the gift from someone tuh me.it was like .. WOW.necklace. i bought him rings and such. and i even polish my darn nails.thanks tuh hidayu hu loves ZAMIR. or crush on zamir. they're iindeed cute larr. haha. i didnt even sleep on my katil/room. i slept in taufiq's and qam's room. we Ton. we slept just like 1 hrs then woke up to teach indo students. and got one guyy, indo kid .ridduan. he was 13. he likes me. and he tried grabbing my attention .. aper jer diee.haha. not cute at all. but i particularly like Egi. he caught my attention. but he was 11. hu wants a 11 year old kid. im older kan? my pri six class was the best, the most boring part, we spent most of our tyme in the bus rather than walking or sightseing. and i hate Shopping period. damn, they give us 30 mins tuh shop and 2hrs tuh shop.and it was likee. not enuf for us all. Food was yucky. its like they're giving food tuh dogs and cats. The teachers were unfair. they ate better stuff then us. and dun everr order a tea when ure in INDONESIA!! it taste like.. urgghh.. we didnt drink them. instead all of us chose mineral water. and its the best, i sat with qam the whole time in the bus. Fiq sat wif Mad.(mahyuddin) drg dua prasaan sleeq and my job was... Sleeq feat nisa cutiie. and they will be like.. no contract. when fiq gets tired, he would always say, aku penat tadi nyanyi/training, da tk ade suare, haha. and he will always say the werd "feng shui" haha. did i spelt it right?i dunnoe. whad he mean was "SWAY" haha.=)) mr.hasrin group was the best. u cant deny it. haha. alex, Solo man. perfomance day, we totally roarfed everthinng. alex was the only one. haha. we were suppose tuh sing "ive got peace like the river in my soul" and we sang. but the last part, we must hit it with a bang! like as in. put our hand up in the air and say SOUL out loud. and he was the onlyy one hu did that. we all damn forget about thad step! and he was embarrased on stage, haha. people look at him all weird up. doing things by his own. and they show my class music video whichh was great, haha. princess nisa always get bully. it was. RAd.!!but it was sad. good tymes must end. and i didnt sleep for like 3 days! haha.qam sleep cute.fiq and him.. over slept on the last day and everyone was panic! haha. drg sajer and mukerr slumber . they acted like ntg happen. gila kan they all? haha.aeroplane. haha. kepale bleii sakit dey. FOod in plane wass better than the food they give us.i sat wif mad and alex upon leving for indonesia and going back tuh singapore i sat wif hafiz 2e7 and jasmine sec 3!!we went taman mini and saw this monkey, he was cute!*note, its a real monkey, and he looks exactly like yunizar.everyone was going gogoo over the monkey. he was cute taw! haha.the teachers were great, they're not too strict tuh us and it was GREAT. haha... Can i go INDONESIA AGAIN?!! hahaha..i love 2e8! i love my bloods too. haizair missed me. i miss him too.. msg nasir the first thing i landed here, and he didnt even repply. He loves freda. whad more tuh blog?? hmm..
i cant remember well..
Ruler are loves.
btol tarkk haizair?
one day keluar ngan me kayy bf !!
i love RuLer.
kini sleeq ada di sini,
besama nisa yg cutie..
those hu went will understand,
till then .. adios amigos nisa Too bagus.
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